The Preperation

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Maya's POV
"Oh shit I got to go!" I said pulling on my bra. "Ok I'll miss you." Josh smiled. He put on his pants and walked out with me, "bye cutie." He said and kissed my nose. I walked back to my house and met Smackle out front and we headed inside. "How was dinner ladies?" My mom asked upon our arrival. "Great mom." I told her and we headed to my room to finish up our project.

Zay's POV
"Hey mama!" I announced walking into my house. "I thought you were leaving." She replied. "Not till tomorrow morning mama. I got to pack. And I can't leave without saying goodbye to you and Kayla." She nodded and kissed my head before sending me off to my room to pack. I got everything in my suitcase and kissed the picture of my sister; knowing that I'd get to see her again soon.

Riley's POV
As I was packing for the trip that I still couldn't believe my father agreed to let me go on my brother came into my room. "Hey Riley." He greeted. "Hey Auggie what's up?" "Where are you going?" He asked immediately. "Well Auggie, I'm going down to Texas for a few days." I told him. "You want to leave me?" He whined. "Oh no honey it's just a quick trip! I'll be back before you know it." "Well can I help you pack?" He offered. I nodded with a giggle. We spent the night playing dress up. I'd try on all of the clothes and he'd make outfits out of them that would look "fabulous". It was the most fun I had had with my brother in a while. "Who are you going with?" Auggie asked me as we were packing. "Farkle, Zay, and Lucas." I told him. "Why not Maya?" He asked. "Well because Lucas and Zay only get one friend each. Lucas chose Farkle and Zay chose me." I explained. He smirked and replied, "of course he did." I giggled at my adorable little brother before he added, "just don't let Zay replace me ok? And if there's a fancy dinner wear this. Zay will love it; it matches your personality well." And with that he left my room. I looked down at the outfit my brother had picked for me. It was a short princess looking white dress with purple flowers. He had added some purple heels and a brown, over-the-shoulder hand bag and topped it all off with a tan, floppy hat. It really did look nice. I put it in my bag with everything else. Added in my toiletries and headed to bed.

Lucas's POV
I was spending the night at Farkle's because I didn't want to go home and ask my parents. Instead I told them I would be staying at Zay's a few more days because we had a health project. I'm pretty sure that my dad knew I was lying so later I told him I was staying with Farkle for a few days and that he bought. "I don't have anything to wear there." I told Farkle. "Well I mean it's New York!" He responded, "I'm sure that some shop some where is open!" We headed out and bought a few outfits for the trip before heading back and deciding what Farkle should bring. It truly was an amazing night with an amazing boy. I wish that every night could be like this one. Farkle truly made me happier. He made me happier than anyone ever has before; happier than I ever could have imagined myself being. I hoped that he could say the same about me.

Maya's POV
As I was lying in my bed I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.
Josh- you free tomorrow?
Maya- maybe. what time
Josh- anytime.
Maya- more specific please?
Josh- fine. noon?
Maya- i don't know josh. i am a very busy woman
Josh- could you please make time in your busy schedule for your humble admirer
Maya- humble? what are you setting me up with one of your friends or something?
Josh- very funny but seriously, what do you say?
Maya- you win. see you at noon
Josh- looking forward to it😉
I sighed at Josh's flirty nature before putting my phone on the nightstand and heading to bed.

A/N::: Sorry that I didn't publish yesterday! Happy Easter if you celebrate it! Hope you liked it! Tensions will heat up with the weather when we head down to Texas. Love you all! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"In My Dreams" by Ruth B

Black Lives MatterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora