The Plan

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Smackle's POV
I was sitting in Mays's room texting Charlie when I saw something. There was a notebook. It was quite dainty compared to everything else in her room. I went over and grabbed it. On the front it read songs. I opened it and flipped through all of them. They were really good. I knew I needed to use this talent she had somehow. She was so good. I quickly took pictures of all of the songs. Just then my phone buzzed.
Charlie-yeah I'm free. where do you wanna meet?
Smackle- idc you know any good places?
Charlie- you're at Maya's right?
Smackle- yea
Charlie- meet me outside in five

Lucas's POV
"You know what? I'd love to come to Texas. How soon can I get there?" I asked my brother. "Well I mean i don't really have the money right now." He told me. Just then Farkle came out of the bathroom. "We can fly down tomorrow on my dad's private jet." He said casually. "Are you free tomorrow?" I asked David. "Of course. Can you make it here by then?" "Yeah my friend figured it out." "So your boyfriend will be joining you?" He asked. I laughed. "Yes but if you call him that while he's there it will be the last thing you ever say." I told him. He chuckled "Goodbye baby bro." "Bye David" i hung up and looked at Farkle, "We're going to Texas!" I yelled, picking him up and twirling him around I put him down and we shared a passionate kiss. "Im so excited to meet your brother." He told me. "Oh you're gonna love him. And we can bring Zay and Riley because I think his sister still lives there. But we can't tell my parents that I'm going." He smiled and kissed my nose. "Ok" i called my mom. "Hey mom so I was just wondering if I could spend a few more days at Farkle's" "of course sweetheart I love that you're spending time with your friends. "Thanks mom." I told her and hung up the phone. "Wait she doesn't know about us?" Farkle asked. "Yeah my dad says that she's gonna over react so we're just keeping it between us." He nodded. "So you wanna call up Zay?" He asked. I nodded and dialed the number.

Zay's POV
"What?" I grumbled, climbing off of Riley. She whimpered softly at my absence. "What if i told you we could have an all expense paid trip to Texas?" Lucas asked through the phone. "I'd tell you you're fucking crazy." I told him. "Well we have a friend with a private jet and extra cash." He told me. "Wait Farkle would pay for us to go down?" I asked "Yep and you can bring Riley too." He added. "I'm in." I responded and hung up. "Hey Riley?" She looked up at me with wonder in her eyes, "ask your dad if he'll let you go to Texas with Lucas Farkle and me." She nodded and walked out of her room. I sat there with a smile on my face before calling my mom. "Zay?" She asked picking up the phone. "Can i go to Texas tomorrow?" I asked her, "we don't have to pay a dime." "It's really free?" She asked. I nodded, then realized that she couldn't see me. "Yes." I told her. "Ok then fine. When do you get back?" "Either Monday or Tuesday; it kind of just depends." I told her. "Well I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too." I told her and hung up the phone. "He said yes!" Riley cheered entering the room. "Let's go out to celebrate!" I told her and we headed into town.

Riley's POV
"Here, let me throw this away." I told him, heading over to the trash can. "Hey what time is it?" Zay asked coming over to me. "5:45." I told him. "Can I see your phone?" He asked, "mine died." "When we get to my house." I told him and skipped off. A cop pulled me aside a few steps down. "He causing you any trouble?" The cop asked. I stood there in shock for a second. "He's my boyfriend." The words spilled out. The cop looked at me in shock and I gave him a bit of a death glare before bringing Zay's arm down and locking it in my own and beginning to slip off. He wasn't over exaggerating. This was real.

Song-"LA Devotee" by Panic! At The Disco

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