He truly ceases to amaze me. "Your rubbing off on me, baby. I can't believe you replied. Now it would be awesome if you could do the same with your shitty haters and media fellows!" he gave me a huge fist bump. 

"Soon, shona. Soon" with a half smile I gazed out at the scenery trying to rush back with the speed. I felt my lap getting heavier. 

What the hell! 

To my surprise, cheeky monkey laid his head onto my lap with a content smile washing his features. He raised his head up to look in my eyes and I stared at him blankly.

Then as simple as possible I laughed out loud and so does he. 

You know why ? There is something called "fitting in " which he clearly got eliminated from. 

That guy has fingers more longer than Big B, legs more dangling than deepika! Back at our SOTY days, we would always have a good laugh at his 'striking features' and the way he used to show off his long tapering fingers, damn! I was still in fits looking over at how he managed to coil up his legs withing the car door boundary and yet manage to lay calmly in my lap. 

"Just quit this, man" I couldn't take more. We both laughed, clutching our stomach.

"Blame my crazy DNA" true that his parents were so different from both siblings. He looks cute from every angle and that made me have a want to kiss him. "I love you giant" I kissed his scrunched up nose. He giggled and did the same "I love you dwarf" 

That hit hard. I tried to push him away from my lap quite dramatically but since he was  too huge to shove away, I failed. Others from our gang were too upset with the tour officials. Only five of us could go and it sulked. It would have been great if we all could go discarding Ms. Cat ! 

We neared the airport terminal entrance and made sure our bags were all checked. Getting out from the vehicle, flashlights blinded our vision. Knew this was coming but atleast nobody is going to doubt us as long as we are together for tour basis. Sunil helped us in carrying the luggage as we spot Adi and Pari from a distance. They waved at us with a smile and we returned it back while approaching them. 

"Guess what bunny told me ?" asked Adi, flashing his cute smirk at us. "To stay away from kattu?" pari tried to answer while side hugging sid, which didn't went quite well with me considering her weird nature these days.

Before I could show that in my face, adi jumped on me with a huge bear hug and spoke 

"No gaddhi! He messaged to stay 1000 feet away from kattu!" 

Shit! This guy is no way in the race to make anyone jealous. "Dumbo, I said the same" cussed pari. "But you forgot to add 1000 feet" he reminded with a dull face.

"I might try kicking you 1000 feet during the rehearsal" she joked and tried to Hi5 me but as awesome as I was, kinda ignored it while typing away on my phone. Now that caused a whirlpool of laugh from the boys including VD who just arrived. 

I wasn't rude right ? She just gave me off bad vibes.

Shaheen came from behind and pushed us towards the security check to get in. While giving our passports for a check, pari came close to me and whispered "Jackky chan was meant to come with us but last minute drop happened. It's her birthday so she is here. Isn't that cool ?" 

Yeah, too cool to take in. My eyes bombed in to look at sid and he gave me a weary smile. I continued to shoot danger at him. "I swear I'll kill you if you go anywhere near her" I hissed into his ear. 

Save me, he mouthed to his boy gang as they looked too confused to understand. "Alia ka dupatta pakde chal" ordered VD which made me chuckle loud. We got inside the terminal and waited for everybody to assemble in the VVIP room so that we could board the flight soon.

Dreams Woven Beautifully ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя