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I was dying of curiosity to find out what she had bought for me. I went into one of the drawers to retrieve the bag that contained it. It was a little bit heavy and I got more curious.

I laid it on the bed and opened up the small package first. I shook it lightly wanting to guess what it was. Finally deciding to open it up,i tore away the neatly wrapped wrapping paper. My wide eyes came into contact with a picture of a beautiful phone on the box that contained the gift.

Opening it up slowly with shaking hands,I took out a white long slim white iphone 6s. Never in my life would I have ever thought I would own anything this magnificent,or any type of phone for that matter. I knew this phone via advertisements and only the terribly rich folks back at home owned them.

I was shaking my head with disbelief,my heart hammering inside my chest with emotions that were running through me. I was afraid to open up the next thing not wanting to faint from the intense gratitude I feeling.

The second box contained a laptop and I almost fainted. I never new how an interior of a laptop looked like and I was afraid of opening it afraid it would break so I settled on reminiscing on what Jody's family has done for me. Thinking on how they praised my cooking,my heart swelled.

"Boys,Dave,food is ready,"Jody called out.
Thunderous footsteps were heard coming down the stairs like a hurricane and Jody snickered amusedly.
"Wow ma,smells good in here. What's for dinner?" Matthew says peeping at the prepared dishes.
"Pilau,"Jody says eyeing me proudly and I find myself looking at anywhere else but her.
"Pil what?" Luke says twisting his heaf to the right while crooking his nose adorably.
"Pilau. It's one of my homeland meals," I say slowly.
"Boys go wash your filthy hand so you can eat," The twins rush to the sink and am amused to see even Dave rushing to wash his hands.
"Okay let us dig in," Jody says when everyone has settled at there seats. Including myself. Yes I was also shocked I was allowed to eat with them.

I serve myself and I see everyone looking at my plate then at me with disbelief. I check to see if I have poured any on the table and see none so I ask
"Erm.. Maria,are you going to finish all that food?"Matthew asks and I get confused.
"Yes,it's not alot. I mean this is what I always served the triplets back in Tanzania,so its not alot. Or am i overstepping my welcome? Is it alot I return it? Am so sorry I did not realise it was much,here you can have it. I promise I won't repeat it.." I ranted on but Jody looked at me affectionately and said it was okay.
"We just got surprised because we thought you would not be able to finish that,"
I chuckled and said,"oh you mean this little amount of food. I was even wondering what you were putting into your plates. So little midgets of food,I was scared to ask if you were worried the food was not good,"
"The food is amazing,"
"Awesome food Maria,"
"Please cook for us everyday,"
"I think am denouncing pizza for this food,"
Those were the comments that I received through out dinner.
My heart swelled with gratitude and I found myself blushing furiously because I have never received any compliment ever in my life apart from boys back in Tanzania who wanted to woo me in bed.


By now I think my cheek was hurting from smiling alot. I pressed my fingertips on my new belongings feeling every corner of it and appreciating them very much. I made my mind up to wake up and make them some breakfast in the morning.

At the mall I had told Jody to get me an alarm clock so  that I can get used to waking up early in the morning. I set it to five a.m and went to take a shower. When done I wore a night gown again thanks to Jody and hopped on my bed refreshed and happy. Closing my eyes,I was soon out like a light.

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