Iolite Alsaqie

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The Air Pixies. Another very religious species, divided up into two clans, Rih of the Northern Cold Lands and Nasim of the Southern Cold Lands. They used to serve the Time Elves during their reign but after their extinction, the Air Pixies were nowhere to be found as they were forced into hiding during the Great War. As a result of this, their villages are now located in the mountains up above the clouds of the Cold Lands, an untouchable town hidden from the world.

Along with the ability to fly, they are able to completely change their size to that of a simple dandelion seed and also have the ability to communicate via telepathy, serval minds at a time. They speak in the language Iriah,  which has similarities to Arabic in your world. 

 Every species is born already knowing the language of their own, a language only their kind knows. The Volcanic Giants speak Magnish, Samoan in your world, the Sand Dwellers speak Dusken, German, the Electric Angelicas talk in Luxian which is Spanish, the Forest nymphs speak in Vernish, Welsh in your world, the Water Maidens speak Aquatish which is French, and as for the Time Elves, we speak Myrioi which is called Japanese in your world. There are two more languages: Faun, the language of the Elementals, which is Latin in your world, and then there's Oleg, English in your time. This way of tongue is taught to all of the species so we can communicate across the races.

(Iolite's P.O.V)

The moon's light beamed through the stained and cracked windows of the temple. I was sat on my knees staring down at my mother's embroidered hijab in my hands. The temple was empty, bare to the bone. The air howled through the holes in the ancient, crumbling walls. As I glanced up at the scriptures written across the ceiling, I closed my eyes, memories of the past shot through my mind. Memories of the screaming, the crying. Memories of running. Memories of the death and the destruction. Memories of the Purple Figure... That all happened a few hours ago. It was my mother's birthday; she was had just turned 81. Still pretty young for a Pixie. 

 I rose to my feet, wiped the tears from my eyes and left the temple. Our village was a wreck. Homes were destroyed and the ground was littered with the bones of the dead. I heard footsteps behind me getting closer. I tried to tap into their mind but it was too chaotic, similar to the Purple figure's. I turned to face my stalker but I was instead faced with a young boy, his hair was violet and his skin pale with a lilac undertone.

"What happened here?" he muttered to himself with a cautious tone. I looked at him blankly. I was confused, I didn't know who he was, but yet he looked strangely familiar.

"Sorry, did you hear me?" he asked patiently. I nodded, but I couldn't bring myself to talk. I don't know why. 

I haven't been able to since...

 It came. 

"Oh you can't talk," he figured, "can you sign?" I simply shrugged and tilled my head. "Do you know a Zara Alsaqie?" My eyes widen as I took a step closer to him I looked down in despair still clinging to my mother's hijab.

 That's mother's name.

How did he know?

Who is he?

I tried to speak but only mumbles came out.

"What?" he had noticed my mother's hijab clenched between my palms. "Waits that's hers... Oh... she's your mother." he replied with a saddened tone, "we were old friends, your mother worked for my father," he continued. "You're Iolite"

He knows me?

"I'm Sam"

That was a lie. 

"I'm a Time Elf." 

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