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(No P.O.V)


The door busted open and the Draugr pouring in, screeching like wild animals as they swarmed around Euan, Sam and Georgia. 

 The first attack was towards Sam, but he was too quick, as he strike and sliced off the creature's arm. Sending it flying off into the air. He then proceed to impale the same creature through the chest with his violet blade, climbing up and then pounced off it's long torso, tarring the blade from it body. Then whist air born, Sam transformed the black katana into it's gun form and shot down some of the creatures that spewed into the room. 

Georgia wiped out her two pistols and started to do the same while Euan with his axe, began cut through the ones that slip past Georgia's and Sam's deadly shots.

Behind the solid glass window of the training room, waited the others. Watching as  Sam, Euan and Georgia kept the horrific creatures at bay.

But the lab became over flooded. 

The Draugr just kept pouring in, pushing passed there defences.

   One finally manged to make it past the trio and run straight into the glass, cashed into the hard windows making the others jump back. Then more and more creatures kept pushing past and came slamming the weight at the glass. 

Iolite began readied her bow and Tom prepared his shot gun as cracks began to form upon the glass. It wouldn't belong lone before the Draugr would break in.

"Brace yourselves! Tom called back to the others, watching as the cracks got bigger and bigger the creatures threw the bodies against them until it finally shattered. 

Iolite, in a fit of panic, quickly drew her bow and released her pin, striking her target square in the throat. 

It did not die instantly. 

Her breath was heavy as she struggled watch her victim slowly drop to the ground and being to suffocated. 

It felt cruel. 

Despite the fact that they were trying to kill them. 

She shook her head trying to get rid of the chills on her back she got from her first kill. 

The blast off Tom's shot gun lit up the room as the head of every one of his targets exploded into a gruesome mess. His targets' thick black blood splashed every where as there fell to the ground. Elizabeth and Teifi pair off, Liz flung her needle around cut through an enemies the got close to them as Teifi picked off the one she missed with her her halo blades. Meanwhile Max and Mickey pair up with Max swinging his hammer knocking and sending the creatures across the room and Mickey blasted the ones that were able to dogged Max's blows with his gauntlets. 

Back in the lab Sam, Euan and Georgia were still fighting off the Rest of the Draugr that were still entering the room. 

The just heard never seemed to end. 

One of Georgia's pistols got jammed and she was push up against the glass as she was distracted. With Sam and Euan unable to help the creature had her pined. Tom froze in fear witnessing the event. 

"Georgia!?" His call was filled with fear and rage "Don't you fucking touch her!"

"I'm Alright" She yelled back the the glass, reassuring him. 

With that Thing's  hand gripped around her neck she struggled to breath. 

She was stuck.


Done for.   

Or so it thought.

With her right leg, she kicked it in the stomach sending it a few steps back. It screeched as I came at her once more but she dodged and got behind the creature and pined it up against the window with her foot crushing its hollow chest. Watching intensely as it's rotting black brains explode and splattered across the glass as she blasted it's head with her other pistol. 

Blasting music through his ears, Sam sliced through his targets at impossible speed, each strike landing on the beat of the tune the sang through the speakers of his ear pieces. 

They all worn out as the fight finally came to an end.

"Is that it" Max called out panting like a tired dog "Is there more"

"Do You want there to be more" Elizabeth snapped back angrily also painting.

"God I hope that's it" Georgia sighed as she trip over her last victim onto the floor and put her finale shots into its skull

"You had me worried  for a second there" Tom said as he pushed his chair back into the lab

"Aww sweetie" She giggled back "I'm sorry but I was fine, look not even a scratch" she twirled round then bent down to kiss his lips. "See all good"

Sam pulled out his phone and stopped the music, then he ran of to Euan to check for any wounds "Okay, good no scratches" Sam said 

"Errr What happens if we got scratched"  Teifi asked nervously

"You turn into one of them" Iolite replied, already figuring out the answer

"And when were you planning on telling us about this" Elizabeth snapped towards Sam

"Because that wont work on you guys" He explained " the only way we can turn is by Decay. Which is why I only check Euan as that he was almost turn by Decay before."

"And now if I get scratched by one of those creatures it could fuck up all the the work Sam did to stop me from turning" Euan continued 

"But isn't that what's happening to George and Mickey's friend back at the void" Teifi yelled out

"Yeah why couldn't you cure them" Mickey's tone turned deep with anger towards Sam

"Because there not like you and me" Sam stuck back, defending himself "Look I don't fully get myself, all I know is we are more immune to Decay touch, it was much easier to save him, and he still isn't completely 'okay'." 

"Speaking of, where is Mortem?" Tom muttered "Wasn't he just outside with the other figures" 

"Maybe they left us alone" Mickey replied 

"Yeah maybe they saw us winning and ran off scared" Max added nervously.

"Oh I wouldn't bet on it young Ignis" A voice strange but familiar call from the corridor.

It sounded like radio static. . .         

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