Our Weapons

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(Elizabeth P.O.V)

Right, first impressions of the 'team' so far:

Max; As thick as fucking brick but is quite nice, although I have caught him looking at mine and Teifi's breasts now and again... Fucking perv.

Mickey; Not that bad really, he's actually kinda sweet. Definitely has a thing for Iolite. 

Teifi; I'm still pissed at her for leaving me for my brother! Although, I'm guessing my mother had something to do with it. I wonder what she said. Teifi will have to do something really fucking amazing for me to forgive her though.

Euan; Mostly really serious but knows how to give and take a joke. Still don't get how someone as good looking and smart as he is, can fall for someone as chaotic as Sam. But I guess love knows no bounds.

Iolite; Creepy, I don't like her.

Sam; Annoying, I don't like him neither.

And as for Georgia and Tom, not too sure what to make of them just yet.

"Your weapons are over there on the table," Georgia explained. "Each one is labelled and has a ribbon tied to it, colour-coordinated to each of you." We all shuffled down the ramp and into the room.

"For Max, a 6ft crimson obsidian like War hammer." She described "Forged from obsidian like materials found only at the depths of the volcanoes of the volcanic islands on  Elementya, it is as hard as crystal. If whacked against the ground hard enough, it will release an explosive current over a 3-mile radius."

"Wow," his eyes grew wide in curiosity as he picked up the gigantic war hammer

"For Mickey, Two orange crystalized gauntlets." Georgia continued down the line "Form-fitted to your hands, they feel like normal leather gloves, but they pack quite the punch

"Interesting," his reply sounded animated as he picked up and examined them as he pulled them over the back of his palms.

"Teifi, you have-"

"OME!" Sam began to scream, "you're engaged!" We all looked and noticed the ring on her left hand.

"Oh yeah," she replied, her voice was sweet and light. "You guys were all at the party afterwards. You were much older though. Sam was like 25."

"Aww, that's soo far awaaayyy!!" He began to moan as he stomped his feet like a child. Pathetic.

"Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, Teifi," she giggled, returning to the previous conversation. "You have chakrams, two super sharp ring blades made from this golden crystallised metal found deep with the sand dweller's mining tunnels. They are inscrutable and great conductors of electricity."

"They're beautiful" she said as she picked them up off the table

"As for Euan, similar to his old weapon, he has a two-handed battle axe that's able to turn into a double-barrel shotgun when you- "

"Euan, come and look at your new axe!" Euan's head perked up as Sam called out, interrupting Georgia once again. Euan uttered something back down to Tom then looked back up and walked over to Sam, when he began to examine his ne axe.

I sigh and rolled my eyes in boredom but then something caught my eye. Glanced down at where my weapon should be, all that was there was a long light blue ribbon that was tied to a giant needle about the length of my elbow to the middle of my hand. but there was something about it that was mesmerising. I stared long and hard at the glistering blade.

"Umm... is this one mine?" I asked her as she ended her conversation with Sam and Euan.

"Ah yes Elizabeth, this one's my fav" she grinned "It's a 13inch incredibly sharp needle. Tied to it is a strange ribbon-like material that we don't know the full potential of yet." She explained " If u hold the end part of the ribbon and the needle and stretch it out hard the hole thing will transform into a 6ft spear.

"Ah okay, I guess this will work." I sarcastically sighed as I wrapped the ribbon around my left arm and threaded the needled through it.

"As for Iolite, a long-range bow but instead of arrows, you will be using these, 12inch pins so sharp and thin they're nearly invisible to the naked eye. The tip is coated in a strange venom we collected from the  that, if it enters the bloodstream, will clog up the lungs causing the victim to suffocate. So if the shot doesn't kill your prey the venom will. Once the victim is dead the pin will fade away then reappear back in your quiver." Iolite picked up the quiver and examined one of the pins.

"They're also very strong so they can be used in melee attacks" Tom added, "but we were only able to make eleven pins so don't miss unless you want to retrieve it yourself."

"Lastly Sam," Georgia continued.

"Yay!" Sam began to bounce up and down repeatedly. "My turn, my turn!"

"Much like the old blades you have, two dual-wielding katanas that can join together to create one large katana. The upgrade is this..." She picked up the long, the two katanas one glowing violet the other an . This one had a blade. She then took the Black blade and began to transform. "They can turn into dual submachine guns, that fire time shards made from the time crystals you brought us last time you were here."

"Similar to Iolite's pins, the shards can rewind and appeared back in the ammunition slots," Tom went on.

"Just twist the dial at the bottom of the handles."

"Ooo" Sam stopped jumping and snatched the two blades out of Georgia's hands. "I love it!"

"Thought you might," sniggered Tom, "if you and Euan can leave your old weapons on the table, I'd like to continue examining the ribbons that are on them and see if we can learn more about them.

Just then the house began to shake. There were loud smashing and slamming noises as doors were flung open and then slammed shut. We all rushed upstairs to see what was happening. A purple light was beaming through the windows as we were thrown all around the house.

"What the fuck is happening!" I yelled, "Sam what are you doing?"

"This isn't me!!" he cried back.

"This place can travel too?" Max screamed.

"It's not supposed to," Georgia shouted back.

"Mortem," Euan growled.

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