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They all froze with fear as Mortem and The five other figures slowly entered the lab. All different than the other. The first one was a dark dusty kind of Navy colour. They were the same height and build as Iolite and seem to have wings the same shape. Next followed a dark turquoise, this one much taller than the first, same height and build as Elizabeth. Behind her followed a blunt gold figures. The same height and build as Teifi with huge bird like wings. She seemed to emit a dull sort of glow from the centre of her body. After her was a dusty brown one that seemed to copy the height and build of Mickey and finally was Blood crimson, he was huge towering over every one in the room, same size and build as Max. 

They all were gathered in front of the 9. Iolite's gaze was drawn too the Navy figure. "Your the one who was in my head" pointed at the figure with anger, but The figure just mocked as it seemed it imitate laughter, their wings began to flutter as they floated off the ground clap their hand and nodded their head.

"What's wrong! Too afraid to talk" Mickey spat trying to act brave. The figure place there hand on their cheat saw the floated back to the ground, as if it just took offence to what he had just said

"I Wouldn't act so brave, Terra" The brown figure growled back "They're more powerful than you will ever become"

"Ghost here can only communicate through the mind of a person" The dark turquoise figure explained as she gently placed her hand on them "Their voice was damaged during the transformation"

"Kind of sounds like yours did as well" Elizabeth sneered

"Can't be all that powerful then can they" Max muttered Adding to her blow

"You think, what to test that" The dark red one was quick to to reply "Ghost could take you in seconds"

"You wanna bet" Max was getting cocky now too, he knew that they was getting to them.

"Max don't!" Euan snapped back being weary of the consequences 

"Wise move, Vita" The blunt gold one replied. Chills ran up Euan spine upon the mention of that name. Sam glance over to Euan and saw his body's reaction to the name and his brows crossed curiously

"My turn" Sam replied flicking his head back to face the figures "Why do You keep calling us by the names of our Elementals"

"All in good time, Tempus" Mortem replied "Besides some of you might want to head back to the void. I'm sure that little Georgie and Jessica Are dying with out you." Elizabeth, Teifi's and Mickey's eyes widen with terror as fear struck threw their bodies

"What have you done to them!" Mickey yelled. They all began to snigger sinisterly as Ghost and Mortem Waved childishly and the all fade into the air.

"Happy to see Decay still has his flare" Tom trying to break the scary silence

"Thomas!" Georgia slap the back off his head telling off


"Take me back now!" Elizabeth growled as she switch and stormed up to Sam
"Already planning on it" Sam replied "only there's one problem"

"What!?" Teifi also came up storming "what do u mean, problem?"

"Well non of us know where we are" he replied

"Wrong!" Tom called back from behind them. He was sat at one of the not destroyed desk typing and at his laptop.

"Were in Elementya" Euan called out leaning his right shoulder

"And judging on the sand and the hot temp, were properly in Elven ruins" Tom added

"Okay, well we don't the time and I can't-" Sam got cut off by Georgia as she walk over and lent over his left

"Wrong again Violet" she call back as she began to punch in some of the letters on the keyboard "It's 300 A.E.E. During summer-"

"Mid-Flame" Euan corrected her

"Mid-flame, sorry" she change her answer quickly "and its 4:13 in the evening if you want to be specific" she then added

"Oh, okay, I guess I can take you back then" Sam stood there stunned and a little bit confused "how did guys figure that out"

Georgia went to explain it all but Tom stopped her. "We nerds" he proclaimed

"It's what we do" she added with a bit of sass.

Sam flicked his head in compliance and then turn back to a pissed Elizabeth, Teifi and Mickey
"Alright I'll take us back, just give me a sec" he said as he began to rubbed his hand together

"Actually I think me and Georgia will like to stay he a bit longer" Tom asked as he packed up his laptop and rolled up to Sam and the others.

"I'll like to try and find our old camp see if its still there after the war" Georgia explained "There's some valuable stuff I left the last time we were there", "I've been meaning to ask you take me there but never got round to it" she added

"Okay well I can't let you go alone" Sam replied

"I'll go with them and take Max and Iolite with me" Euan jumped in

"Okay and whilst your there try and figure out who Decays other minions are" Sam ordered "find what they can do and how we to stop them"

"On it"

Sam and the others being to say there goodbyes to the rest of the group before they leave for the void

"Oh, Tom" Mickey called out "Before we leave, I notice it earlier I'm guessing its yours" mickey ran over to the work table to where Tom's robotic leg lay

"Oh yeah that" Tom sighed as he rolled up beside him "It doesn't work so I'm probably goanna have to scrap_"

"I fix it" Mickey said as he move a random wire

" Wait what!?"

"You had a wire in the wrong place" He explained bluntly "been bothering me since I saw it" 

"Wah!?" He was stunned and confused

"Go on then try it out" Georgia cheered as she skipped over "Here let me help up put it on." She knelt and slipped the metallic leg over Tom's left knee and thigh and secured it. He then with Georgia's help, hesitantly pushed himself up out of his chair. Once He was up they they counted to 3 and Georgia let go of Tom's arms. He wobble for a bit but once he found his balance he took a step forward, and then another until he made it to the other side of the room.

A joy full expiration grew across Georgia face "It's never worked of that long before" She began to cheer "Ha! you've done it"

"Every fucking time!" Tom Groaned "How do you always fix the things I cant, I'm suppose to be the 'Teck Guy'!"

"Right, sorry to ruin the fun but we really need to get going now" Sam said gently as he stepped over to Mickey. He nodded and walk over and huddled up with Teifi and Elizabeth. Sam then walked over and hugged tom and Georgia and gave Euan a kiss on the cheek "Message me if and when you need picking up" He grinned before stepping back into the huddle. He then reached out his left arm and tents it. His eyes went solid violet and with in a purple flash they were gone.

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