Raya Kyoshi

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Raya P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of taping on my balcony door, I groaned then looked down at the time band around my wrist, mid-night.

"Who the fuck?" I muttered in Myrioi as I pushed myself out of bed and wrapped my thick duvet around my body, then waddled towards the stained-glass doors. With a sigh, I pushed open the gigantic doors and stepped out onto the balcony. My eyes scanned the surrounding area, but there was nothing, nothing but silence until...

"HEADS!" A small rock came flying towards me and hit me directly on the forehead.

"OW!" I grabbed my head in pain, "da fuck?" I muttered as I walked to the end of my balcony and looked down.

"She threw it!" a young Volcanic Giant called out pointing at the small Air Pixie next to her.

"OME Maddilyn, shut up" the pixie called back, "do you want to wake up the whole kingdom?"

"Hey, Raya!" Maddilyn called up.

"Maddilyn, Zara, what are you doing here?" I half-whispered, half yelled back to them.

"It's your 16th, You coming or what?" Maddilyn called back.

"Coming where?!"

"There's a party go down at fern folk bar" Zara called back, "why else would I be looking like this?" I couldn't quite tell what she was wearing because of how far away she was.

"Aren't we a little 'Young' for the fern folk bar?" I replied, emphasis on the 'young'.

"Well, that's why we have these," Maddilyn yelled back as she and Zara pulled out two little cards. 

"Are those fake IDs?"

"Well they're not going to be real now are they genius," Zara snapped back.

"We got one for you too" Maddilyn added.

"I don't think that's gonna work..." 

"Why not!?" she questioned.

"Well, I'm pretty sure people will recognize Emperor Kiosk's only son," I explained. "There's no way I'm getting away with that." 

"Oh it'll be fine, it'll work. We'll just tell them that you're a look-a-like," Zara replied, "just think, we may get to meet some cute boys."

"And girls," Maddilyn added quickly.

"Yes Madd, girls too" Zara sighed.

"Fine, I'll go 'n' change," I groaned, "just give me a sec."    

I closed my wardrobe doors and turned to face my huge, round mirror and stared at my reflection. A lilac mesh Corp top that covered my pale torso, paired with black, ripped baggy jeans that hid the top of my black heels. I slipped on my silk, violet cloak and braided my long, violet hair and placed it neatly on my shoulder. My right ear was dressed in all sorts of piercings, in contrast with my left which only had two. I clipped on my favourite nose chain and choker and left for the balcony door once again. 

I climbed down the tower to meet the girls. 

"Great now let's go while the moons are still out," Zara said commandingly...

The Violet BattlesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ