they are, okay?

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Are they done?

They are just, uh, stop talking with each other after this?


That sounds utterly wrong and Yoongi took full offense of it. He laid awake there on his bed, unmoving, for about three hours thinking about the same things and along the time the tiny sobs no longer could be heard. Still, he feel utterly wrong.


What is it that feel so wrong? Something he overlooked? He's that stupid enough to overlooked such detail?

It was his fault, no matter which perspective he is looking at. He is the one at fault, he challenged the younger. He's a SENIOR, and he act like teenagers on their hormonal stage. Acting out of impulse just to get into someone's else pant- no, not really. He know what he is doing, he's just pretending. He act like he didn't watch the fluffy haired boy laughing and clumsily falling out of his chair while sitting in a class, every week.

Knowing Park Jimin as college flower boy with angel on devil on his side, ready to protect the flower from any danger. Knowing the younger doesn't interact with other hot stuff and surround himself with his own little bubbles of bestfriends. Knowing how hard it is to see Park Jimin because of their different major. TOOK side course and study business when he has zero interest on that matter. Why?

Park Jimin is college flower boy. Like the sacred flower on the garden in the back of college building, you can watch but is forbidden to touch. Min Yoongi understand that. So he only look at it. Nothing much. It's true.

He blinked.

He woke up.

It feels like it has been a second when he blink and he was already asleep and now he woke up engulfing something warm on his chest. Something warm... with breathing patterns... Something warm... Someone...

Park Jimin?!

"Uh?" is what he manages, rubbing his temple as he tried to get up. His vision blurry but he noticed the light seeping from the binding, noticed the scattered clothes on the floor. Once his sight has started to focus, he look down on his chest.

There is Park Jimin, eyes round and waiting.


"Yo-you're already awake..." Yoongi mumbled, hands unconsciously cupping onto the younger's cheeks. He feel the warmth on his palm as he pinch lightly the fluffy cheeks. Jimin giggles.


Min Yoongi love that sounds.

"I'm tired hyung," Jimin whines and whines, nuzzling his nose in the crook of Yoongi's neck. Yoongi silently pray his heartbeat is not fucking with him right now and just beat on normal rhythms. Biting his lips, Yoongi whispers, "Petal, you can go back to sleep. It's still early in the morning."

He didn't know what expression the younger has but he notices the pause in Jimin's breathing.

Jimin pecked the corner of his lips with giggles. God, Yoongi loved that sound so much, he loved how it vibrates against his chest and it's lovely. The sounds of happiness. Or he hope so.

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