love, he hate

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"So thoughtlessly, I push the button and bam! Pornsite appeared before my eyes–" Taehyung paused after opening the door, nodding politely toward Yoongi who's reading a book while laying down on Jimin's bed. Covered in blanket. "Just like this one, yes it does." Taehyung smiles at the confused Jungkook who's behind him.

"Taehyung what the fuck are you telling that kid?"

Jungkook's eyes widen when Jimin come out from the blanket, head resting on Yoongi's chest. Jungkook point his finger out while staring mouth agape at Taehyung.

"We were only cuddling before you two come in!" Jimin protested, his cheeks hot from embarrassment. Yes they are indeed were cuddling after doing some adult stuff. Jimin just doesn't want anyone to point it out loud.

"For Jungkook's sake, I'll pretend to be innocent." Taehyung bowed his head before pulling Jungkook to sit around the low table. He turn to send a glare toward Jimin, the corner of his lips twitching in amusement.

"Why are you reading an upside down book, Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung questioned, resting his chin on his palm as he watch Yoongi smoothly turn another page away like nothing can bother him.

"We learn new things everyday," Yoongi said, pressing his lips into a thin line while nodding to himself.

"Jimin's hyung boyfriend is so charming..." Jungkook drawls, blinking rapidly as he watch intently Jimin slapping Yoongi's forehead.

Taehyung's face twisted in disbelief at the words Jungkook just said. "Charming?" he murmured, offended.
"Why don't you two start studying now?" Taehyung settle more comfortably on his place after ignoring the scoffing sound, taking a book he had left under the low table.

The two pairing got up from the bed with messy clothes and Taehyung hopes Jungkook didn't pay attention to that. The boy is easily distracted by the unusual thing. Although it's endearing, it can also become troublesome once Jungkook started pointing it out loud. Not even minding how odd the question might be.

"How long have you two been together, Jimin hyung?"

Ah crap.

Taehyung raised a brow at the question Jungkook just asked. Ironically, Taehyung is intrigued on how much longer Jimin gonna lie about this toward Jungkook, can Jimin even bring himself to find an excuse though?

"We're a new couple. Not even a month yet." Yoongi had answered before Jimin could understand the question. Jungkook's eyes remain dilated at that.

"It's amazing..." Jungkook whispers, most likely to himself but of course Taehyung heard him. A bit of guiltiness building in Taehyung; Jungkook have been lied straight to his own face while he admires them.

Yoongi and Jimin sit together in front of Taehyung and Jungkook. But before they can even start with their study, Jungkook stopped Yoongi, shaking the older's finger as he begged for their attention.

"Yeah, is there anything to ask?" Yoongi smiled. His smile slowly fading as Jungkook point toward Jimin.

"How do you realized that you love Jimin hyung? What makes you think that you two will work as a couple? Isn't there anything that worries you about you guys relationship?"

Jimin coughed at the sudden bomb of questions, his eyes wavering from Taehyung and to Yoongi who's trying to remain smiling. How fake.

"J-jungkook, there's a limit to question you can ask. That's like, our privacy–"

"Is that so...?" Jungkook interfered on Jimin, his brows furrowed and it was the first time for everyone in the room to see Jungkook in such pained expression.

"I'm just curious. I always heard that same sex relationship isn't full of love like how it was potrayed in internet. Seeing the real things, like you and Namjoon hyung who already have boyfriend and doesn't afraid to show off, its so lovely. I want to believe hyung.." Jungkook paused, his fingers curling hard in his palm.

"I want to believe that love still exist in this generation."

Oh Lord. Oh Lord please forgive us. Even if we're gay, just forgive us please.

Taehyung prays deeply as he watch Jimin panicking to ruffles on Jungkook's hair and how Yoongi reassured the younger to tell him about their relationship.

"Kookie, loving someone is hard but it sure does exist. We all will, someday, understand what love really mean. We experience love differently. There's someone who fall in love in art before he fall in love with another person who also love art. Do you understand it now?" Jimin said, softly as he pat onto Jungkook's hair.

"How about you, aren't you experiencing love with Yoongi hyung? How does it feel hyung?" another question, another bullet piercing their heart. It effects everyone in the room as sadness clouding the atmosphere.

Jungkook watch as Jimin's face changed, from smiling into a forced stretch to make out of smile in the corner of his lips.

"It's hurt."

Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung fix their focus toward Yoongi, who's expression are blank. His brows resting with a soft gaze wondering toward Jimin.

"Loving someone is hurt. You'd think that, it's fine. It's fine if you're hurt because you love them. Sometimes you make your own rules just so you can love them a little more, but there's no point if they don't feel the same."

Yoongi's voice are heavy, like it carry every sin he has committed and is now being spilled on the white canvas. The colors are red, it sting and it reek of truth that no one would want.

"So, if you were to love someone, make sure don't do anything stupid that can hurt you later. Where it hurt and you can no longer bear with it anymore, leave."

Jimin's body trembles, like a shiver just went down his spine. He's cold, he's now searching for his warmth. Blinking confusedly, he only can see Yoongi on his sight.

"So if it hurt and you can't no longer handle it, will you leave Jimin hyung too then?"

No it's fine, Jimin doesn't care. Its fine, he can always find another warmth in other's embrace. Yoongi is just a player for this game.

"What do you think Jungkook, will I able to leave someone I love so dearly?"

Jimin's eyes welled up but he feel a warmth lips being pressed against his own. He let his tears fall.

Hate. The opposite of Love.

That's what Jimin is feeling as Yoongi lied so beautifully in front of Jungkook as far as kissing him to prove it.

You liar, falling is hurt Yoongi...

But loving you isn't.

Sex with me? - yoonmin ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ