D-3 : sweethornycouple

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"Damn, Jimin be aiming that slut look today, for whom though?" Taehyung snickered. He laughed when Jimin pushed him off while yelling with unsatisfied look.
"I want him to regret for what he did last night" Jimin muttered. His two tall ass friends looked at him with knowing stare. Having those creepy smile on their lips.
"What happened last night Jimin?" Namjoon asked with a mocking tone.
"He tried to trick me into his bait. Like I would fall for it."

Taehyung and Namjoon nodded in unison, before bursting out laughing. They're so damn loud Jimin had to smack some sense into them before they reach their Business' class hall.

"Joon hyung, look at your crush. He's wearing all black today" Taehyung whispered. Namjoon glance at Seokjin real fast before punching the younger shoulder.
"Who said he's my crush, that bitch look like emo phased boy who just got into puberty" Namjoon said, confidently. Even though Jimin and Taehyung already know that Namjoon is just nervous. That's really how he give compliment.

"My bro, do I look good? Is there anything weird on my face?" Jimin asked.

Namjoon and Taehyung slightly shakes their head. Literally, there's nothing weird on Jimin, the only thing that's weird is he seems to put more efforts into his outfit today.

His top is white oversized plaid shirt, half buttoned while tucked inside his black skinny jeans. On his neck is sweet black leather choker with ring in the middle of it. His earrings dangling dangerously on his ears. Usually, he would just slip on white sneaker but today he dared to wear black work boots, fit overall with his today outfit.His hair was pushed back and side parted, showing the perfect sculpture of his face combined with his jawline.

He's popular for some reason, and this is only one of it.

Jimin smiled happily when his best friends approved his outfit. When there of them walk in the door, everyone eyes immediately pierced to them. For three of them, they called themselves 'nerdy trio', but for everyone in the college, they're called supermodel.

Namjoon always with his either goth or grunge outfit; heavy boots, black tee or black jacket, just literally overall black. His deep, illegal dimples, his killer smile and deep raspy voice, plus he's the top student and by top I mean, top top at his year. And his height, he looks like a giant, that likes warm hugs. Looks like could play sword but reality, he doesn't even know how to hold knife.

Taehyung is opposite, he wore classic, vintage outfits with super expensive loafer. His everyday scent is vanila latte with hidden cocoa in between. He brings his journal everywhere with him, his soft looking face with super friendly smile sure attracts a lot of human being. But none of them dared to talk with him, because his looks that's too expensive, for them too filthy to be around the son of Gucci.

They're the squad goals.

"Jimin, I know he's not looking at me but I could feel how sharp the stare Yoongi hyung is giving you right now" Once Jimin heard what Taehyung just said, he glanced at the guy far in the back of the class with his classic black leather jacket and messy hair looks.

"Man, he bouta kill you" Namjoon whispered. Jimin put on his normal face and took his two friends to their normal sits, not too far in the back, not quite in the middle, just enough for them to see what the lecturer gonna writes later.

And even though they're all already sat on their place, people murmuring doesn't stop. It keeps getting louder. But suddenly, the noises stopped.


Jimin's head was forced to look on the left and without realizing who's it, he already feel pair of lips on top of his. Jimin froze on his seat, the taste of cigarette from Yoongi's mouth give off weird, new feeling for him.

Yoongi pushed Namjoon away as he pinned Jimin with his back on the table, their lips still sucking on each other. Jimin tucked on the older jacket, eventually pulling him in just to deepen their sudden, intense make out.

Two of them couldn't care less for the noise and people surprised around them. It was almost like the two of them has their own plan.

With one same intention: to kill each other.

"Did you dress up for me baby?" Yoongi pull over first, licking the saliva on his lips while all eyeing the younger.
"Yes" Jimin whispered, "I'm not gonna lose in this game, hyung"

Yoongi looked away as he chuckles, biting his inner cheeks. His hands pull Jimin and let the younger sit straight for a moment.

Yoongi laughed unknowingly when he mouthed 'litle slut' at Jimin and grabbed his head while aggressively pressed their lips together, tucking harshly the younger hair while his free hand grabbing the choker on Jimin's neck.

Taehyung and Namjoon had their eyes wide open, they aren't even near that two devils but they could actually feel the dangerous aura. Namjoon was nervous, hella nervous. Kim Seokjin that good for nothing bitch is just next to him. Like, Yoongi's two best friends is there too with them.

"Damn they fit each other very well, I totally ship" Namjoon looked at Seokjin, weird out.
"You didn't agree?" Seokjin mouthed, an eyebrow raised.
"Well, pardon my opinion, sir Namjoon" Seokjin chuckles before pulling Hoseok together with him back to their place.

Damn, Namjoon almost could see the white light.

Yoongi and Jimin pushed off each other, but their gaze met. Yoongi couldn't stop laughing when Jimin's face changed. From that one confident bitch to send help he's gonna faint.

Jinin really is going to faint. Never has he ever been kissed so intensely by an expert kisser with good tongue like him. The kiss was so good Jimin almost found himself lost and might give up at some point.

"I'm taking you to my room tonight" Yoongi whispered with a sly slash smirking smile.

Yoongi walked to his place, ignoring the screaming of girls that's calling his name and with just one, middle finger sign, he shut everyone up.

"Park Jimin is my boyfriend, we bang and please shut the fuck up"

Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon snapped their nexk so fast at the voice, and they saw, the evilish smile Yoongi has.

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