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It sure is pathetic for Jimin to not wanting to look at the older the same way he did many times since their encounter. The fond gaze Yoongi had shown him the night before was something Jimin clearly doesn't fully understand and yet he wanted to be able to grasp more of it. He wanted it to be in his possess once more.

He might be a fool but everyone around him are certainly not. With Taehyung curiously asked if there's something wrong happened between him and Yoongi, Jimin surely aren't going to say that he was a lot more than disappointed that the older haven't taken even a tad bit of liking into him.

Its for sure are going to bring himself to another predicament of Taehyung's "What did I told you about not bringing yourself upon something you cannot handle well?!"

Why does Jimin's monologue need to be so dramatically displayed, you say?

Jimin has been playing with his pen for quite some time. Sure before, he was foolishly struck by Yoongi's charm. His mind hasn't been on it right state whenever the episodes of him and the older kissing ever so passionately came through to distract him.

But now, rather than being distracted by the mere kissing they had, Jimin is disrupted with his own thought; how to be a better whore– I mean, a bad person. In the need to avenge for what had Yoongi done to his fragile little heart.

It goes without saying that Jimin does not know that he have a distorted way of thinking.

Yoongi is not playing with his heart, by any means.

"Stop staring at him and finish your notes."

Taehyung's voice interrupted Jimin's little daydream, gone already the weird frilly dress and odd looking flowers around his waist while he chase the one and only Prince Min Yoongi the Third.

Ah fuck, my imagination sure is wild

Jimin scoffed to himself before turning to their lecturer who's still excitedly pointing toward the lame power point. Without any interest taking in his eyes and he finally tore his gaze from the older, Jimin hastily write whatever is displayed in front of him.

"I have been wondering," Namjoon interfered, a pen being placed at the front of his chin. "Why does Yoongi hyung in Business class when he was majoring in Music?"

"Good catch," Taehyung manages. He eyed Jimin who's pretending like he isn't eavesdropping them, only focusing on the notes.

"I heard, it was merely a rumor but, Yoongi's a heir to one of the famous brand of clothing line. So he ought to learn of business matter or perhaps him taking the music major because..."

"–he doesn't want to take the company and want to live independently?!" Namjoon and Seokjin had answered scarily in unison, cutting Taehyung immediately while Jimin burst into an unknown fit of laughter, earning glares from every corner including the lecturer. And Min Yoongi.

"Since when you are here hyung?" Taehyung asked, his eyes widen in shock seeing Seokjin clinging his arms around Namjoon's, the older have his innocent smile spreading on his sly face.

"I want to be as close as possible with my boyfriend, is that wrong?" Seokjin retorts, squishing his cheeks with Namjoon's arm.

"I–" Taehyung wanted to snort but he hold himself close to his heart as to not letting himself being killed by that sly fox.

"You too, aren't you in acting major?" Jimin finally asked after being the only one who's listening, head resting on his palm as he support himself with his elbow on the table.

"I want to build an entertainment company while I too, being the main source for money such like becoming an actor myself. It's a flexible business and I'm seeing myself as the CEO." 

Jimin nods in awe seeing how confident Seokjin about his future. Taehyung has his face flushed red from excitement and Jimin start to wonders, what would Yoongi's dream be? It wasn't as cliché as being a music prodigy only, right?

"I kind of want to be a music producer."

Jimin turn his face at the sudden voice next to his ear and was utterly surprised when Yoongi's face come to his sight.

"What about you baby, what do you want to do after you graduate?" Yoongi plays with Jimin's bang as he asked. Jimin looks up to the front and there's no longer power point being displayed and the other students are slowly leaving the class. Oh crap, Jimin hasn't finish yet with his notes.

"I don't know." Jimin answers shortly, gaze fixing to Taehyung who's oblivious toward the exact situation. "Taehyung, let me copy your noted later–"

"Do you want hyung to teach you that later, Jimin?" Yoongi asked, blunt as if  Jimin isn't showing it enough how uncomfortable the younger currently is.

"No, Tae and Namjoon hyung can do–" Taehyung shushed Jimin on his lips right away and give thumbs up toward the older.

"You see Jimin, I have few assignments that due next week," Taehyung drawls, eyes glaring down like he's innocent. "Plus Namjoon hyung will be busy with his lovely boyfriend, right hyung?"

Jimin want to throw a quick punch toward Taehyung's devious smiley face.

"So, your last class would be end at...?" 

"Six pm."

"I will be waiting at the front door of your last class then," Yoongi whispered, kissing the younger's forehead.

Yoongi was about to leave when bunch of girls hovered the table where Jimin is sitting and he was pushed to the younger's side forcefully.

"Jimin oppa we have something to ask you!" a girl with an adorable smile beamed with cheerfulness in her voice.

"Yes... Mina it is?" Jimin hesitantly answers, his other friends are watching him hard and Jimin gulps at the sudden attention.

"In the next two weeks, the college are throwing a party before the final exam. Pro101 and Monster are anticipating this one competition too. So we think, why not let Jimin oppa join? You're more prettier than lot of them!" Mina maybe the only one speaking but the supporting voices behind her making it seems like Mina is using a microphone.

"W-wait what is this? I'm pretty too, why can't I join this?" Seokjin asked, his eyes moving up and down, scanning every inch of Mina's skin with a frantic look.

"One group can only participate one member," Mina said, pouting.

"No wait the real question is, what is the competition?" Jimin asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Before you asked that oppa..." Mina stopped, grinning altogether with all of her other friends behind her.

"Are you into cross-dressing?!"

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Well well well, it's not author Rapmonseuteu if her story doesn't include a cross-dressing.

Ah right! It's time for some Holy Water™.

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