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I started writing this book on 2018 and finished it on 2019. I started editing it on 2021 and I changed some things. Including the protagonist's name which used to be Alexandra or Alex Sandford but now it's Winter Reign. I also did some proofreading so I think there's no serious grammatical errors anymore, if I didn't miss any. Yes, I have edited this book but that doesn't mean it's changed, just corrected. I wrote this when I was young and my mind had a wild imagination so there could be some things that will cause you to cringe, I apologize in advance.

The title of this book was derived from their song, you should check it out if you haven't yet, because it's seriously amazing, just click the media above and it'll play. And if you don't know who MCR is yet, I highly recommend you to know them, because they might save your life, or inspire you to have a better one just like they did for me.

Have fun reading my story and feel free to criticize it in the comments xo

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