Chapter, 12 Envelopes and Hopes

Start from the beginning

Not a lot about what had happened was discussed but they did reassure him repeatedly that they believed everything would be alright.   Luckily for them,  Knot didn't ask how,  that was an answer they didn't have.  

Kongpop did say one thing that resonated with him.  "None of your friends will judge you for this Knot,  we've all seen how close you and Wad were and all the time you devoted to him.  I think we can all imagine walking in your shoes,  your only human.  No one would believe that you set out to fall in love or seduce him."  

Kongpop stopped short when the words came from his mouth and looked to Knot,  pursing his lips,  "I'm sorry." 

"Knot didn't react badly,  he kept eye contact with Kong.  "You're right,  I didn't mean to fall in love,  but I did.  What I mean is,  I spent so much time making sure that Wad wasn't lonely,  that I kind of left myself out.  I guess I was lonely too.

Arthit looked at Kong when Knot said it,  they were both thinking the same thing.  This big beautiful man who everyone knew to be the best and friendliest,  it was sad to think of him as lonely.  Everyone was so focused on the good he was doing for Wad,  no one had considered his own heart in all this. 


 Arthit had breakfast ready by the time Knot and Kong were showered and dressed.  Knot sat with them at the breakfast table and watched their interactions.  They seemed to have such a routine.  While Arthit poured Kong's coffee,  Kong would serve the food onto Arthit's plate.  While Arthit poured a small glass of fruit juice for Kong, Kong would put the cream in and stir Arthit's coffee.  

As he watched,  Knot realised he had the first genuine smile on his face that he'd had in a long time.  There was something hopeful and positive in seeing that unlikely people really do find each other and that it's possible for anyone.  Just being part of their morning lifted him,  his problems were far from gone but there was such harmony in the pair as he studied their every move.  Simple things,  like how Arthit touched Kong's shoulder before returning the coffee pot to the kitchen.  How Kong touched lightly Arthit's forearm when he asked him if he wanted some jam for his toast and,  when he nodded yes,  Kong stood immediately and went to the fridge to get it.  He opened the jar before handing it to Arthit and their eyes connected.  Knot saw it all.

Was it so much to ask?  To have someone to love and care for,  someone to return that love.  Arthit and Kong made it look so easy.

In the morning, Knot stood in the hall while the couple made their goodbyes.  He heard Arthit tell Kongpop that he loved him.  He remembered how Arthit had struggled and yet here he was,  happy and with what proved to be the perfect partner for him.  They balanced each other out,  shared each others' strengths and were there for each other when they faltered in their weaknesses.


At lunch,  Knot was surrounded by friends again.  Aim and May, Kong and Praepalin all separately at some time throughout the morning asked him to meet at the coffee shop.  He was apprehensive at first but,  the smiling faces and their forthright attempts to be supportive were a blessing.  Knot's way of showing to them that they didn't need to walk on eggshells around him,  was to ask after Wad.  "Has anyone seen him,  is he ok?" 

Praepalin spoke up,  she had talked with Dok on Sunday in the afternoon.  The story was that Wad would not be coming to school for the whole week.  When she questioned Dok she was assured that it had nothing to do with Knot but she went on to explain about the seven sealed envelopes that they'd found,  and,  that Wad would be spending the week discovering what they meant.  It sounded complicated but Dok made the long story short, Prem had essentially set up a  "treasure hunt-style"  game for Wad.  She went on to tell Praepalin that they opened the first envelope,  the Sunday one,  and that it lead Wad to Bangkok's premier hotel,  Prem had rented the penthouse honeymoon suite for the entire week.  His intention was that he and Wad would stay there and open each envelope,  one per day,  ending the following Sunday,  Wad's birthday.  That's what he was doing right now,  the Monday envelope.

Being Arthit & Kongpop. from SOTUS the Series  Book 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now