27 » midnight blue

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"Who would you say is your most favourite person in the world?"

"Um, I don't know. Is 'me' a valid answer?"

"Apart from yourself."

"I guess... My mom?"

"Awww! Are you a momma's boy, Brendan?"

"Shut up."

"I would never have guessed. You know, thinking about it, I actually cannot believe you share the same blood as Linda."

"You know my mom?"

"I'm your sister's best friend. Why wouldn't I?"

"When did you come to our house?"

"Oh, I don't know Brendan. A long time ago."

"How come I've never seen you then?"

"Well you have. Twice, I think. But not in your house. You weren't there the three times I visited your house actually."

"Oh. Wait, you say I've seen you?"

"Yeah, when you've come over to talk to Nessa."

"Wait, are you like one of her roommates?"

"No, but I live across the corridor."

"Why can't I remember what you look like?"

"I don't know."

"Hayley, no. Tell me what you look like so I can remember!"

"Now where would be the fun in that?"

"Hayley! That's not fair. Wait, do you know what I look like?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I have excellent memory, unlike you."

"Then it's even more unfair!"

"I don't know if you know but life isn't always fair, Brendan."



"Hey, why'd you ask me that question anyway?"

"Oh, just some stupid magazine quiz to determine your character."

"So, what does it say about me?"

"Well, it says if your answer was someone in your family, then you're a very caring and connected person and you work hard to keep the ones dear to your heart happy. It says that your familial relationships are strong and that it's highly unlikely for an outsider to break them."

"Huh. Never pinned you to be the magazine quizzes type."

"Never pinned you to be a mama's boy."

"Very funny."

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