6 » flavescent

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Brendan|Hayley| Other

"Now what??"

"In all the conversations we've had, do you realise you're the one to have cut the call first?"


"I love hanging up on idiots, what can I say?"

"Wait... How do you hang up on yourself?"

"Wow. So funny. Soo funny."

"Tell me, are you always this annoying or am I getting some sort of special treatment?"

"It's definitely you. You've a special place in my heart you see."

"I'm touched. Deeply."

"Not that I don't looove talking to you, but why'd you call again?"

"I'm wounded. Oh, my love, why do you hurt me so?"

"Quite a bit of drama queen, aren't you?"

"If you mean drama king, then yes. Yes, I am."

"Anyway, if there's nothing else, can we stop this very interesting discussion? I'm at work and I'm pretty sure my manager doesn't appreciate me slacking off."

"So you DO work at Domino's?! I so knew it!"

"It's not Domino's, for Christ's sake! I swear, utter that name and any word in reference to me in the same sentence and I will slap you so hard you'll forget where you are."

"I don't know how you intend to do that when we're talking over the phone."

"I will find a way. I promise you."

"Oh wow. I got so scared my socks fell out."


"Get it? You scared the socks off me?"


"You know you get it. I'm so smart."

"Very very smart. The smartest. So smart, my brain hurts."

"I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but thanks."

"Okay. Seriously, I have to go now. Bye."

"Okaaay byeee."


"Did you just sing?"

"What if I did?"

"I'm now convinced that you're 10. Definitely."

"Hey! There is no age barrier to Disney okay?"

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Even twenty two year olds are allowed to watch Frozen."

"Yeah, but is it normal for twenty two year old men to quote Frozen?"

"Shut up."

"Thought so."

"Hayley! Why are you on the phone? You're supposed to be working!"

"Oh shit. Listen, I really have to go. Bye."


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