5 » booger buster

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"Is this Mc Donald's?"


"Are you sure?"


"Wait a second."

"Is this the Domino's guy?"

"Is this the Domino's girl?"

"Well hi there."

"I can't believe my sister switched this number too."

"She sounds pretty nice."


"You know, I think her and me, we'd get along great if we were friends."

"I'm pretty sure that's a side of hell I don't want to see."

"Hey! I'm not that bad."

"Maybe not. But she is."

"You pick on her so much, poor soul."

"I pick on her?! Did you forget she switched all the numbers in my phone?!"

"Because you ate her oreos!"


"Hey, did your best friend pull anything on you?"

"Uh no?"

"I hope she pulls a pretty awful prank."

"Thanks a lot. Really. Appreciate the wishes."

"No problem at all."



"So, uh, sorry again. I should probably check the number before calling from next time."

"Yeah, that sounds like a splendid idea."

"Thanks. I know I'm smart. Oh, it's okay, it wasn't such a great deal. Please, stop showering me with compliments."

"Was that supposed to be funny? Sorry, I think all that stupidity surrounding your head drowned out the sound of my laughter."

"At least you laughed."

"I didn't actually."

"Sure you didn't babe."

"Are we back to this?"

"Back to what babe?"

"Has it become your standard retort now? If I don't have a smart comeback, let me just call her babe!"

"Shit. You just figured out my master plan."

"If that's your master plan, I'm sorry to say this but you're doomed."

"Or am I? See that's the genius of this plan. The simplicity of it ensures maximum success rates."



"Okay you know what? I don't know about you, but I have plenty of other things to do than talk to a stranger with a questionable level of intelligence, so bye."


"Really? Again?"

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