Not A Care In The World

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They made their way hastily towards the town car that was awaiting them just outside the venue. Lauren couldn’t keep her hands off the younger brunette, her hands clinging onto the brown-eyed girl’s hands, their fingers interlocked the entire time as they made their way outside to their ride.

What she did in there, so confident. That’s MY girl…so sexy; we need to hurry! Lauren thought to herself as her grasp tighten just a little more as a sign of affection.

The younger brunette led the way, occasionally turning her head back towards the porcelain skin girl, the younger brunette smiling form ear to ear every time she felt a tug or light squeeze on her waist. 

Brown eyes turned to meet sparkling green ones, she’s so adorable, the way she’s holding onto me, not a care in the world, I’ve always admired that about her, the way she didn’t care about what others would think.


***Flashback 8 ½ Years Ago***


Camila and Lauren were out, just the two of them, on a cold December night in New York City. The brown-eyed girl wanted to get out of their hotel room and more importantly she wanted to take the older brunette on a date, yes, a date. The green-eyed girl was always the one to take the initiative when it came to their dates and she wanted to show Lauren how much she cared about her and their relationship, so she took her out on a date.

“That was so fun Camz!” she exclaimed excitedly sitting next to the younger brunette on a bench as they both unlaced their skates.

Look at her, not a care in the world, like a little kid ice-skating for the first time, the younger brunette chuckled to herself.

Camila continued to admire the girl next to her, her lips pulling to her brown eyes at the sight of a happy girl, almost childlike as she continued to beam while untying her skates, “so you had fun?” the younger brunette placed her hand on the older girl’s thigh, giving it a light squeeze.

Emerald orbs gazed into bright brown ones,  “fun is an understatement,” her pearly whites in full view as she placed her hand on Camila’s that was on her thigh, it was hard to feel the warmth through their gloves, but she could feel the love come through as she held her hand.

“Come on,” the brown-eyed girl stood up, “we gotta go check out the tree.” She led the way; it was just a few feet away.

 “Wow, I never really realized how BIG this tree is,” the green-eyed girl made her way behind the younger brunette, wrapping her arms around her waist.

Camila clung onto the arms that wrapped around her, “do you think one day we can have a tree this big in our house?”

OUR HOUSE. Lauren scrunched her nose, nuzzling against the side of Camila’s face.

“Camz,” she whispered in her ear, brown orbs still hypnotized by the giant tree, “you do realize that we need to build a house for giants to fit a tree that big.”

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now