Fight For You

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***Camila’s House 12AM***

Lauren took her scarf and beanie off as she shook her long brown hair as she began to make herself comfortable as she closed the door to Camila’s house behind her. 

“Dylan and Jason off to L.A.?” Camila asked unsurely as she kicked off her tanned heels, not bothering to put them away. She couldn’t help but stare at Lauren and her gorgeous long brown hair, which finally settled on her shoulders down the length of her back.

Lauren let out a chuckle. “Still messy I see.” She said with a smirk, her eyes going from Camila to her shoes that were scattered on the floor.

“It is MY house after all.” Camila quickly turned away hoping Lauren didn’t realize she had been staring and blushing a bit.

“Um…yeah, they have sound check for one of their up and coming artists in the morning in Burbank, I think.” Lauren said as she took off her leather jacket.

“They’re pretty incredible aren’t they? I mean I couldn’t have done what I did tonight without them.” Camila said with a thankful grin on her face.

“They are.” Lauren agreed. “You’re pretty incredible yourself. Those songs, those lyrics…nothing short of amazing.” She continued as she stared intensely into dark brown eyes closing the gab between them. “Are you ready to talk now?”

“Um…” The nervousness in her voice was uncontainable. “Not quite Lo.”


“I am, I just want to get comfy first; do you mind if I change into some pajamas? Maybe you should do the same.” She said with the cutest smile on her face nodding her head up and down.

“Alright.” Lauren couldn’t help but produce a smile from ear to ear as she stared at the girl in the pink skirt walking up the stairs. “I’ll meet you back down in the living room?” Lauren tilted her head to get a better view.

“Lo…I know you’re staring at me.”  Camila didn’t have to look over her shoulder to feel the way Lauren was looking at her.

Lauren cleared her throat as she began to walk up the stairs towards her room.


Camila made her way down the stairs towards the living room as she caught glimpse of the older brunette pacing back and forth on the balcony that was connected to the living room.

“Sorry I took so long.” Camila said as she stepped outside.

“It’s okay, I know you.” Lauren replied her eyes staring at the moon. She slowly turned around making eye contact with the younger brunette walking towards her. “Nice pajamas.” She said with a smirk.

“Luxury of living in Southern California; you can always wear minimal clothing.” Camila said walking towards the taller brunette as she gave her a quick wink.

Lauren took in the sight moving towards her. Camila was wearing pink silk shorts with a matching tank top that caressed every inch of her body that it covered. Lauren couldn’t tear her eyes off Camila even if she wanted to. Her green eyes drifted from her fit stomach, which slightly showed where her bottoms and her top parted back up top to her lips.

“Like what you see Lo?” She said playfully.

“When did you get so confident?” She replied back smirking as she tilted her head.

“Since I decided I wasn’t letting you go this time.” Camila replied staring into greens eyes as she closed the gap between them; they were just inches apart from each other, if that. “I’m still very much in love with you Lauren; I’m going to fight for you.”

Lauren just stood there staring down into dark brown eyes filled with love and hope. She could see the passion spilling from Camila’s eyes as it slowly engulfed her entire body and she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She found her arms wrapped around Camila, slightly lifting the smaller girl as she moved her towards the couch in the living her. Their lips meshing together aggressively letting out what they both have been holding onto for the last 6 years. She gently laid Camila onto the couch as Lauren’s legs rested on either side of her. Their lips not parting for one second as electricity flowed through both their bodies. Lauren broke their kiss momentarily and she looked down at bright brown eyes looking up at her. She cupped Camila’s face with her left hand as Camila remained with her back on the couch. Lauren leaned down for another kiss as she slowly pulled Camila’s pink silk top over her head and threw it on the floor. She took her own shirt off and threw it on the ground as Camila propped her body up and placed her hands on Lauren’s waist, slightly tugging at her bottoms as she bit her bottom lip. She kissed Lauren’s bare chest making her way up her neck and around her jaw line. Lauren tilted her head back and let out a moan as Camila continued to kiss her. Her green eyes finding dark brown eyes as she slowly pushed Camila back down dominating the smaller girl back onto the couch. She kissed her lips passionately and bit her bottom lip. Camila broke their kiss as her lips made their way to kiss Lauren’s earlobe and she slowly whispered in between heavy breaths.

“Make love to me.”

Lauren didn’t think it was possible to love this brown-eyed girl in front of her anymore than she already did. She was wrong and at that moment she heard that beautiful voice whisper into her ear, her heart melted. She looked at glistening brown eyes momentarily before pressing their lips together, her tongue making it’s way into Camila’s mouth as the younger brunette received it approvingly. Tongues intertwined as their kiss intensified. Lauren pulled off Camila’s silk bottoms as her hand made their way in between her legs.  Her fingers rubbing her wet core as she broke their kiss to look into her eyes. Camila tilted her head back as she closed her eyes. Sensing the younger brunette was about to climax; she entered her and began pumping in and out quickly. She let out a loud moan as one of her hands clenched onto the couch and the other digging into Lauren’s back.

“Loooo!” She cried out as both hands were on Lauren’s back and fingers were digging into her flesh as she climaxed.

Camila was panting heavily as Lauren rested on her bare chest. They made love over and over again until the sun came up. Both were exhausted by the time the sun began to rise, they had switched positions by the morning and Camila laid her head on Lauren’s chest with her arm around her waist. Both of their eyes suddenly heavy as they fell asleep in the comfort of each other’s embrace.

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now