Look After You

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***Camila’s House***


Lauren woke up to the sound of knocking on her door. She placed her pillows over her head as she tried to ignore Dylan on the other side.

Dylan opened the door. “Lauren, get up. I know you’re awake.”

“I don’t want to be.” He heard her mumble under the pillow.


“What?” She propped her head up sounding annoyed.

“Amber’s on the phone.” He said as he handed her cell phone. “It’s muted. I found your phone in the kitchen. She’s been calling you.”

“Thanks.” She replied tiredly as she got out of bed and grabbed her phone to answer it.

Dylan gave her a quick look as he walked out the door and headed downstairs. 


Camila was about to walk down the stairs when she heard Lauren raise her voice as she mentioned Camila’s name. She walked towards the guest room Lauren was in when she stopped as she could hear Lauren talking to someone on the phone. Camila stopped near the cracked open door and couldn’t help but listen to the conversation that Lauren was having.

“…yeah, THAT Camila, if you put it that way, then yes.” Lauren spoke into the phone. “Amber, I’m sorry I didn’t pick up my phone, I left it in the kitchen. Please stop. You have nothing to worry about, there’s nothing between Camila and me.” She said a bit frustrated, but as the words left her mouth, she knew she had lied.

I don’t know what’s going on, but there’s definitely something…maybe everything. 

I’m here to support Dylan, that’s it.”  She continued in a lowered voice.

Camila felt her heart drop as the words echoed through her body as she began walking down the stairs.

There’s NOTHING between us.


“Mmhmm; can’t wait to see you…I love you too.” Lauren looked down at her phone unsure of the words she had just spoken.

Camila made her way towards the stairs as she slightly heard the end of Lauren’s conversation. It broke her heart into pieces. With every step she took down the stairs she knew she had to do something. It had been 6 years and at that moment she could not have been surer of her feelings. She knew she had to find a way to let Lauren know how she felt about her, even if it means Lauren turning her down. She had to tell her.

I’m still in love with Lauren Jauregui.

***House of Blues, Anaheim, CA***

“How you feeling cuz? Jason asked in excitement. “Everything sounded well with the sound check and the equipment is all set! Alright, Dylan and I will be right behind you. This record is going to be the best one Mila, I can feel it.” He said with enthusiasm.

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora