Decisions (Part 2)

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The door flew open as Dylan and Jason walked in on the two brunettes very much in their own little world.

Jason cleared his throat loudly prompting Camila to turn and face him; sitting on Lauren's lap. "How you feeling cousin?"

"I'm okay; I feel a little tired and my head hurts." Camila spoke as Lauren's arms wrapped around her thin waist.

"Yeah you hit your head pretty hard when you fainted. Doctor said no strenuous activities for the next few days." Dylan said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

The younger brunette quickly popped up, "few days? But I have a performance scheduled in San Francisco for my EP!"

"Sorry Mila, doctor's orders." Jason said as he crossed his arms.

She turns to the older brunette behind her, looking into light green eyes, as she pleaded with her own brown shiny orbs.

Lauren quickly stood up to make her way around the younger brunette next to the guys. "No, no, no Camz, don't look at me like THAT. Doctor's orders."

She pouted, "Okay, I'll have my manager reschedule."

"Nice try," Lauren pulled her into her arms and kissed her head.

"Okay well we're recording for most of today so just keep in touch, Dylan lets get out of here, we're already late." Jason said as he smiled a goodbye to both brunettes; Dylan did the same.


Lauren watched Camila sleep for most of the morning. Occasionally getting the younger brunette whatever it was she needed or wanted. From her random food cravings of pizza, ice cream, and orange juice, to her demanding requests of cuddling, which the older brunette didn’t mind at all.  It’s been a few days, but her feelings had come roaring back and there was no denying how strong they were and have always been.

I could watch her sleep all day; she’s so beautiful. Okay, she’s in love with you…with ME, yes. I know how I feel. DO YOU? The last time I felt this way, my heart was ripped out of my chest. Should I tell her how I feel? It’s only been a few days, how can YOU be sure? AHHH! Why am feeling so…queasy right now? YOU KNOW WHY!

Lauren’s thoughts were abruptly interrupted.



“Hey Dylan, how’s the recording session?” She whispered stepping outside the room so she wouldn’t wake the younger girl.

“It’s awesome, this new band we signed could be the next big thing!” He answered enthusiastically on the other end. “Hey Laur, your manager just called me, there’s a charity event at LACMA tonight, for the Children’s hospital, they were wondering if you could make an appearance, maybe sing a song. They know it’s last minute, but they timed the show incorrectly and they know how big of an advocate you are for chariti---”

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now