Chapter 1 - Hollow

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based off the book, although some themes (such as older enoch) are as they are in the film.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was running. I didn't know where to, or where from, but I knew I was going somewhere, and I had to be there fast, otherwise that... That thing would get me. The thing with numerous black, slithering tongues coming out of it's mouth, and gigantically huge limbs. It was chasing me, but I didn't know what for, or what I'd done to deserve this. All I knew was that if I didn't keep running, the thing would get me and I would not return to my family in one piece.

It was hot on my tail, which, to be honest, wasn't really saying much seeing as I was and still am quite a slow runner. But here, I was running like I run when it's lunchtime.
I came across a small pond filled with dark, swampy water, and desperately tried to think of something to shake the thing off, but I wasn't a strong swimmer and I didn't like my chances, so I kept running, crunching leaves and occasionally tripping on sticks.

I was slowly losing hope. I knew I couldn't go on for much longer: my legs were absolutely burning, and, although I hate to admit it, I was crying with fear and exhaustion. I slowed down slightly, and instantly regretted that decision as I felt a long tongue shoot out from behind me and wrap itself around my neck. I screamed and grabbed at it, eventually wrenching it off, but almost instantly, another one snaked it's way around my waist. I screamed again, louder this time, with the slowly dwindling hope that someone, anyone, might hear me. No-one did, and I was forced to pull the tongue off.

We, the thing and I, soon came to a dark cave-like area. I'd been staying in this part of Wales for a couple of weeks now, and I knew it was called a cairn. I dived into the inky darkness, wishing beyond possibility that I would lose the thing.

When I came out of the other side, everything, and I mean everything, was different. It was no longer dark and rainy, and it looked like it was daytime, the sun shining brightly in the sky. But that was not the weirdest thing. In front of me loomed a beautiful house, and my small knowledge of architecture told me it was from the Victorian era. Children, aged from around 5 years old to my age (16) were playing in the front garden, laughing and smiling. But all their laughing and smiling stopped when they saw me, my clothes and hair wet and dirty, and my face tear-stained, not to mention the fact that I was still being chased by the thing. Most of them backed off, evidently confused, but two girls, one tall and slender with blonde hair, and one slightly stockier with rusty coloured hair ran towards me, closely followed by a boy with... What, were they... Insects? Coming from his mouth? I didn't stop to think about it for that long, as I was still trying to shake the thing off, now with the added problem of trying to get it away from my new peers. The stocky girl picked up an impossibly big boulder and yelled at me: "Where is it? The monster?" Can she not see it? I thought to myself, utterly confused, but nevertheless yelled back to her: "Right behind me!" She threw the rock, and luckily, oh so luckily, it landed splat on top of the thing's head, crushing it flat to the ground. It was dead.
I fell to my knees, breathing hard. The three teenagers jogged towards me, looking at me anxiously and passing upset glances to each other. The blonde girl knelt down next to me, and said, concerned, "Are you quite alright?" I nodded breathlessly. "Yes, thanks, I'm - I'm better now." The stocky girl picked me up by my armpits and heaved me, seemingly without much effort, to my feet. "Let's get you inside, love. I think you should talk to the Headmistress." I let her lead me inside the grand house, all the while feeling the eyes of the few remaining children boring into my back.

COMPLETED // i don't want to hurt anymore - enoch o'connor x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang