Telling truth

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I let him in and we sat on the bed.

At first I didn't say anything .
I was teary eyed as if I could bring a tsunami any time.
This guy, sitting right in front of me tried to warn me but how foolish I was, to not listen.

On seeing me, Micheal understood that the problem was a very big one and gave me my time.

Then, came a moment, when I couldn't hold on any longer.

I went straight to him, hugged him tight and started crying.
"I am so sorry" I said softly as tears flew out of my eyes, wetting his shoulder.

"Everything is fine Becky. I am here, it is going to be okay." he assured me.

Then I didn't leave him or said anything for a long period of time.
He patted my back and gave me support.

Then, I stepped back.

"I am so sorry, I didn't listen to you. I am so sorry." I stammered.

"Becky, if you tell me, may be I can help." he said.

"Micheal, I...I am pregnant." I broke out again.

Mike took my hand but didn't say anything.

Why? Was he not shocked? Or he knew that this would happen?

"Derek got me pregnant and then left me on my own. We broke up. The doctors say that I will need to bring the father of this child or my parent to undergo an abortion. So I wondered, that if I come far away from the house, probably I can go through an abortion but every qualified doctor here seems to know me or my father. I don't no what to do?" I started crying again.

"Becky... Becky....don't cry." he came forward and hugged me again. "I am right here, with you. We can fix this." 

"You will help me." I said looking up at him.

"Of course." he smiled. That made me smile too.

He wiped my cheeks and said "Okay get ready, we are leaving." he said and got up.

"Where?" I asked.

"My house." he said.

After 10 minutes, all my stuff was packed again.

Then he paid the billbefore leaving, though I insisted in paying.

We got into the car and he drove away.
No one said a word for the entire journey. 
It was 12 at midnight when we reached his mansion.

He gave me a room and asked me to feel like home, then went out.

I washed my face, got in my night clothes and went to sit on the bed.

Only then he returned with a glass of warm milk. (Truth: I hate milk)

"Here, have this" he handed me the glass and sat besides me.

After I was finished drinking, he said "Becky, I wan't you to calm down. Forget about everything. You have counted on me so your problem is now my problem and that is what friends are for." he placed his hand on mine.

"Thank you Mike." I smiled.

"Oh Goodness, you are warm" he removed his hand and placed it on my forehead "Fever"

"Yes, it has been on and off for a few days now." I said.

"It isn't a good sign." he said and went out again.

Once again my mind wondered of what an angel Mike was.

He cam back with a tablet and a glass of water. 
After I consumed it, he tucked my into the bed and said "Good night, in case you need anything, I am in the adjacent room."

"Good night Mike and thank you" I smiled again.
"Oh common don't make me feel small." he said before leaving.
Then I heard him close the door softly behind him.

Narrator's P.O.V

After putting Becky to sleep, Micheal went to his room.

He took a shower and got dressed in his night clothes.

Though he didn't look worried, but from the inside, he was.

Once or twice he cursed Derek, but then thought that it was a waste of time.

When he crawled to his bed, he took his laptop and planned what was to be done.
It was sure that they couldn't get Becky admitted anywhere in LA.
Which meant that they had to fly to some nearby state.

After an hour's searching, he got what he needed.
He booked the tickets for 4 pm, the next day.

Then he also E mailed the principal of his college that he and Becky were going on an educational tour and won't be back for two weeks.

Then he felt tired.

So he turned off the night lamp and went into deep sleep.

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