I love you

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Warning: Things may get a little intense..... But just a little :) 

After reaching home, I called Micheal.

"Hey Mike" I said as he answered the call.

"Hi Becky" he said.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"Me? oh I am good. Why do you ask?" he seemed surprised.

"I didn't see you in the class today so I decided to call check whether you were fine." I said.

"Yes, I am good. Just took a break from the classes to study  for the exams." he said.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot about it. When are they starting from?" I asked.

"After 20 days or so." he said.

"Oh thank you so much for reminding me." I said.

"Your welcome" he said.

"Hey, can you come over to my place tomorrow, so we can study together?" I asked.

"But don't you have the match tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yes but we aren't performing tomorrow as we are already in the final match" I explained.

"Cool. Then you can come over to my place." he said.

I thought for a moment and then said yes.

"I'll text you the address" he said.

Then we had a little friendly chat before I hung up.

After taking a shower and completing my home work, I called Derek.

"Hi baby" he answered the call.

"Hello handsome. Feeling better?" I asked.

"Yes I am feeling healthy and energetic. But I am not playing tomorrow's match." he said.

"Yeah, we are also not performing." I said.

Then there was silence.

"Hey Becky, would you like to go on a dinner with me?" he asked.


"Yes." he said.

"Well, I would love to but after what happened last night..."

"No, I promise it won't happen again." he cut me short.

"Okay, I will be ready by 8." I said.

Then we had a little lovely chat then before I hung up.

So, it was the date 2.

I felt happy and excited but on the same hand made a decision to tell Derek that we should take a break from seeing each other.

I passed rest of the day and was ready sharp at 8.

I wore a red jumpsuit with a deep neck. To match with, I also added a pair of black wedges and accessories.

He drove to my place and I went to his car after I was finished making an excuse to my mom.

She was getting suspicious these days.

"Hey handsome" I said and got into the car.

"Hi hottie" he said scanning me.

Then he drove to a restaurant and I couldn't believe that we were going to 'the mocha' restaurant.

It is considered as one of the most expensive restaurant.

He parked the car in the underground parking this time.

When we got out I saw that he was wearing blue jeans, white T shirt and a black jacket.

Looked hot and sexy.

We went in and ordered food.

We chatted a lot and had a wonderful dinner.

Once or twice his feet brushed against mine. Else there was nothing romantic in that date.

But while we were going back, he parked the car in a shady corner near a play ground.

"Why are we stopping here?" I turned and asked him.

"I have to say something." he gave me one of his seductive look.

I nodded and asked him to continue.

"Come to me" he said.

I didn't understand him. So I rolled my eyes and said "Well I am with you."

"No, I mean come here, near me." he said.

"Okay, here we go" I went to him and sat on his lap.

With his face in front of me and the steering wheel at the back.

"I love you." he said looking deep into my eyes.

What? Seriously? Are you kidding? These were the first things I wanted to say.  

"I...I...love you too" I stammered and there were tears of happiness in my eyes.

Then in no time our lips were touching each others and tongues dancing playfully. This kiss was far better and passionate than the first one.

I could his body heat in my mouth. The way his hands moved from my waist to my breast and everything about it felt perfect.

When the rhythm broke, he said "I have something for you"

Then he took out a small box from his pocket and from it emerged a diamond ring.

"Oh, this is beautiful." I said.

"I love you Becky" he said and slipped the diamond ring on my finger.

"Derry there is no need for this. This is expensive and I don't need it. Your love is enough for me."  I said.

"And you will take it if you love me. I got it made specially for you." he said.

"I guess I have no other option  then" I said and kissed him again.

Then I remembered to tell him what I had been thinking.

"Derek I need to tell you something." I said.

"Go on" he said.

"Can we take a break from seeing each other." I said.

"What? Why? I mean we have just started a new relationship. Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" he asked.

"No, it isn't that. I love you but right now, I need to focus on my studies. Exams are approaching and I don't want to fail."  I said though I knew that even if I went to give the exam at that very moment, I wouldn't fail.

"I understand you" he said looking away.

I could see that he was sad on hearing the words.

"Okay, I promise you, after the exams get over, I'll do anything that you say." I said.

"Anything?" he asked widening his eyes.

I took a deep breath and dared to say "Anything."

"Then I want you to spend a weekend with me." he said.

"Sure." I smiled.

He smiled back and we kissed each other one last time.

Then he dropped me on my doorstep.

When I went to my room, I studied my ring.

Actual diamond, was it?

Fucking yes.

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