Mom, will be mom

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It was after Micheal gave me a swim suit, I went to the pool. 

The pool was even warmer than my bath tub.

In simple words, I would say this guy wasn't living life, the way he was supposed to. I was the only person in the college who knew that he was hell rich.

I mean if everyone knew this, girls would be circling around him. Of course who doesn't like to have rich boyfriends?

I had a rich boyfriend, who will know better than me?
Though I wasn't after his money.

My thoughts went to the night before.
To Derek.
And to those lovely eyes that stared right into mine.

Then, from all the steam emerged Micheal.

"Oh look who is here. Welcome to this exotic swimming pool, Millionaire Mike." I said.

He smiled and dived into the water.

"So, I guess it is time for revenge." I said.

"What kind of revenge?" he asked.

"The swim fight is on" I said and went to the edge.

We raced for 5 laps and I won this time. Or I shall say that he let me win.

Then when it was getting dark, I got ready to leave.

"It was fun studying with you. I will be back tomorrow." I said as we walked down to the front gate.

"Sure, I'll be waiting." he said.

Then we bid goodbye and I cycled back home.

Once home, my mom demanded to know with whom I had been. As I said she was already getting suspicious.

I didn't lie because it seemed like she had already asked Melly. Who was also unaware of the fact that I was with Micheal.

"What was the need to go to his place? Can't you study on your own?" she started scolding me.

Common, I am an eighteen year old independent girl and yet I had to give answers to all her silly questions. Why doesn't she understands that I am a grown up now?

"Because he is a genius. He is smart, intelligent and a topper. I like studying with him." I shouted. I was loosing patience and so was she.

"Really? If I am not wrong, till last time you used to study on your own and score good marks. Take this as a warning, if you don't stop doing what you are doing, you will suffer a lot in this exam." she said widening her eyes.

"You know what? This is none of your business. So just leave me alone." I shouted and stormed to the staircase.

But she stood in my way. "None of my business? I am your mother and I now what is good for my child." 

She always used those emotional verbal stabs. But none of them worked on me anymore. Besides when dad wasn't home, we always had a little heated arguments so this wasn't something new.

"I know how to study and with whom to study, Don't try to teach me. And you know what? I will go back tomorrow, again." I shouted.

"No, you will not go anywhere. And if you are exchanging fluids, I swear to God..." 

"Ewww mom, shut up! And knock off your dirty thoughts. You do anything but I will go there tomorrow. Tie me to the bed if you want to" I shouted.

I knew that sometimes she had a fear that if she doesn't listen to me, I would run away from the house. So this fear made her to lose in front of me.

"Alright, if you are going tomorrow, Melly will also go with you." she said getting back to normal.

"Fine" I said and we resolved the argument. 

I ran to my room and calmed myself down. I thought that she was right, she was my mother but that doesn't mean that she will get worried, unnecessarily.

I changed my clothes and called Derek.

"Hey baby" he answered.

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked rudely. It was an after effect of the argument with my mom. No one gets back to normal immediately.

"I thought you said that you wanted to take a break." he said.

"Yeah, I said we should take a break from seeing each other. That doesn't mean we won't talk anymore." I said.

"I am sorry, love." he said.

On sensing that he didn't like my rude behavior, I said softly "You know how hard it will be for me to live without hearing your sweet voice." 

"I know. I am hard to resist but I must confess, you haunt my dreams." he said in a sensuous voice.

"Haunt? I thought I ruled your dreams." I said laughing.

"Both actually." he said and laughed too.

"So what happened to the match?" I asked.

"We lost" he said.

"I knew it. How could we win when our sexy captain wasn't on the ground?" I said.

He chuckled and said "But there is a good news."

"What?"I asked.

"The final match is postponed for three months." he said.


"Because we have our exams and then a month's holiday so they postponed it." he said.

"It is a good news, indeed." I said.

"And do you remember the promise that you made last night?" he asked.

"Yes, a weekend, only you and me." I said.

"Cool, I have been already planning on it" he said.

We then had a cute, little, sexy talk before I hung up.

It was a tiring day. I also texted Melly, asking her to come with me to Micheal's place the next day.

To which, she agreed.

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