Talk of the town

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We walked to the towing station and got our car back.

We had to pay 50$ as a penalty. Not much.

Once we got into the car, both of us were relieved.

"Phew! That was the best adventure I ever had." I said.

"Me too. And Becky I am really sorry, I didn't know about the men, back there." he said.

"It's okay. Though when he slapped me, I could see the stars." I giggled.

He smiled and put his hand on the steering wheel.

I noticed that there was blood rushing out of his arm. His veins around the wound were pulsating.

"Oh! you are hurt. We should get it covered." I said and opened the  glove compartment and searched for the first aid kit.

"No, I am fine." he said.

But I didn't listen to him. He was bleeding badly.

I took a piece of cotton and cleaned the blood from his arm and forehead. Then I applied antiseptic on it.

"Here, this will make you feel better." I said as he drove off.

In twenty minutes we reached my home.

He parked the car in front of my house.

"Becky, I won't be coming to college tomorrow." he said.

"Yeah! you need to rest." I said.

Then there was silence. We stared at each other for a while. Then he bent and planted a small kiss on my left cheek.

I loved the way he kept giving me those cute little kisses in the form of surprises.

I smiled and said "Bye, I will call you tomorrow. Good night." 

"Bye sweet heart. Good night" he said as I got out.

I turned and saw him drive away.

I silently sneaked into my room and got into my bed clothes.

It was a long and a tiring day.

But I was very happy. I enjoyed it.

It didn't take me long to doze off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up as usual. Got ready and went to college.

I walked straight to my class.

But things didn't look usual that day.

I mean, people stared me, smiled, said 'hi' , 'good morning'. It was all so weird.

When I reached the class, I met Melly.

"Dude, you are a freaking celebrity now." she exclaimed.

"What? How?" I asked.

"Because you are our sexy head cheerleader and in addition you are dating Derek." she said.

"Well, we aren't boyfriend-girlfriend yet. He had not proposed me." I said.

"But, you are the talk of the town now." she said.

I looked around the class to search for Micheal but he was absent on that day. I decided to talk to him after the college got over.

"So how was the movie?" she asked.

"It is a very long story. I will tell you later." I said as our first class began.

When it was our lunch break, I wanted to tell Melly everything that happened but we got no privacy on that day.

Our table, which was always occupied by only two of us was surrounded with people.

It felt good to have so many people giving a shit about you but I didn't like the new fandom.

So Melly and I decided to have a word later.

After the college, when we got into her car and I told her everything.

"Oh my god, you guys are going faster than what I expected." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I mean it wont be long before he gets you laid." she smiled cunningly.

"Seriously? I don't think he is that type of person. He didn't even say 'I LOVE YOU'. Means we are still friends." I said laying emphasis on the last word.

"Time will tell you everything" she said and drove out of the campus.

"Yes and time is what I don't have." I said and gazed out of the window.

I could see my own reflection in it.

I could see that I wasn't me anymore. My world had changed with arrival of Derek in my life.

And the strange thing was that he was totally the opposite of what I knew about him.

I have heard people say that he was a womanizer, but he didn't look the same to me.
He looked good, a person with a beautiful heart.

Were people jealous of him? 


Was he acting in front of me?

Again the answer that I got was "Wait, the time would tell you everything."

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