Running Away

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The next morning, I woke up at seven.

I peeked out of my room and found out that my mom was already awake and was in the kitchen.

I sneaked to the laundry room and saw that her ironed school dress wasn't there. Which meant, she was on a holiday.

I hurried to my room, brushed and bathe.

Then at 7:30, I ran downstairs.

"Oh, good morning dear." said my mom on seeing me.

"You aren't going for work, today?" I asked.

"No, however I would like to know about plans. When are you leaving? Where are you going?etc." she asked.

I had already prepared a few things last night before going to sleep.

"I am leaving today, at 11:30, directly for the train station. We are going for trekking to some mountain area for two weeks. I don't know exactly where. But I will need a 1000 dollars as the fees." I blinked twice.

"Oh sure." she said and went for her purse.

Now, why was my mom so excited, the reason was quite obvious:

Unlike me, she was a very energetic child. She had spent most of her childhood in the arms of nature. 
When I was young, my bed time story always used to be a part of her life adventure.
She went to a new camp every year.

Many a times she has poked me to go for camping but I never said yes.
So now when I myself wanted to go, she was no one to say NO.
That is a totally different thing that I wasn't actually going and I was going to have a high time to cook up a story, later.

She returned with the money and said "Here is 1500 dollars. Spend it wisely."
"Yes mom." I said.

"But, why did you take a leave today?" I asked. There was now way I was going to let her come and drop me at the station.
It would do nothing but spoil my plan.

"Well I am on a leave for a week. I was wondering since your dad and you, both are away for a while, I deserve to have some me time." she said.

"You mean mom parties?" I asked.

" parties, right here." she  smiled cunningly.

What? I had never thought that even my mom was the kind of person who could throw parties.
I had a desire to stay back and look how the party goes on but there are always more important priorities in life.

"Ohh...good luck then. Well I will go to the station by myself." I declared.

"No, I am dropping you." she said.

"Mom, I am eighteen and independent. I can go by myself." I said.

But she stuck to her decision so I had to say "If you are coming to drop me, I am not going."
I admit, that was a risky statement.
What if she changed her mind and didn't let me go?

But that day even the odds were in my favor.

"Okay fine. Get ready. I'll make your breakfast." she said and I went upstairs.

I packed all the things properly.

For money, I had this 1500+1450(from last time) and around 5000 were my savings since childhood.

Well I had more but recently my dad deposited it in the bank so that is what I was left with.
It was more than enough. I thought.

I pulled out two bags which consisted of a trekking bag and a hand bag and brought them to the living room.

Then I had my breakfast, watched TV and went to get ready.

It was around 11 that I was on the doorstep, ready to leave.

My mom gave me a few lectures, kissed on my forehead and then we waved goodbye.

I had already called for a taxi.

As I got in, I said "The Lake view hotel" and the driver drove away.

It was on the other end of the city. There were more than enough places to hide in LA.

One and a half hour ride.

I chose the hotel as it was right in front on 'The Medcare'.
It was a re-knowned hospital.

I didn't had any plans whom was I going to take with me but I guess for a few dollars anyone would be ready to play the role of my mom.

As we reached the destination, I paid the driver and then checked into the hotel.

It was a three starer hotel, but was enough for me.

I put my luggage into the room, made an appointment with the gynecologist of the hospital for 6 pm and then went out to look around the beautiful part of the city.

I had been there, once or twice in my life. As we don't like to visit already seen places unless it is for some work.

I walked out on the beautiful street and enjoyed to the fullest.

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