Can't do this alone

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Where should I go first?

After too many conflicts, I opted for the zoo.

I have never been to a zoo since I was 12.
But before that I should have some lunch.

So I went to the nearby Mac D and had a stomach full of lunch.

Then, I walked to the zoo. It was around 1:30 pm.

I am not going to bore you by telling what all I saw there. But it was amazing.
I felt alive again.....though I was never dead.

I spent a little time at the lakeside crossing. Everything seemed so lively and cheerful.
At 4 in the evening, I walked out of the zoo.

Still had two hours before the appointment. So I decided to go to the museum, which was at a five minutes walk.

I walked into the art museum and tried to spend maximum time as possible but got bored soon enough.

It was only after an hour that I walked out again.
I spent a few minutes at a nearby park and then walked back to the hotel.

I went to my room, changed my clothes and got ready to go to 'The Medcare'.

Before stepping my foot into the hospital, I hoped that everything goes fine.

I went to the reception and asked "Is Mrs Lisa here? I made an appointment." 

The receptionist was too busy to ask any of my details and said "Third floor room no 311. Wait for your turn." without even looking up at me.

"Thank you mam." I said and hurried to the elevator.

When I reached the cabin, I found out that there were eight more people before me.
So I sat down and waited for my turn.
Till then I played on my mobile. Of course without turning on the volume.

After an hour, a lady came to me and said "It is your turn next."

I closed my mobile and focused on what I had to say. Basically I wanted to tell the truth.

"Mrs Lisa, I am eighteen and I am pregnant. My parents are on a business tour and I want to get this child aborted before they get back. So please help me out." I decided to say.

When I was called in, I hoped that since this doctor was a lady, she would understand me better than the first one.

I walked into the cabin and when I saw the lady, my eyes almost bulged out.

I had seen her before.....but where?

I tried to re collect as to where I had seen her?

Then finally I remembered.
I met her five years ago, at a doctor's meet where my father took me as the parents were allowed to bring their children along with them. Oh how could I forget how boring it was.

Ha! I must say that women have the strongest memory in all the living organisms on this planet and it is a proven fact.

Oh God! what should I do? 

She looked up at me and smiled.
I also forced a smile on my face and proceeded towards her.

She wouldn't even remember me. All this was five years ago and I was a child then.
She would have met a million of children after that.

As I walked, she looked at me again. Deep into the eyes this time. God! was she re collecting anything?
No...please don't. I looked away at the wall on which hung all her certificates and achievements.

I would have worn a Burkha. Muslim women wear it but I would go to any extent to get this baby off my shoulders.

I looked back at her when I realized that I was about to reach the table.

"Have a seat please." she said in a soft voice.

"Evening mam." I said and sat down.

"Evening" she said and turned her face to the computer. Typed something and then looked back at me.

"Have I seen you before?" she asked quite boldly this time.

What the... how could she...? I was dumb struck.

Another example of why women are the best creatures at remembering.

I tried to say no but nothing came out.

"You are Ben Walden's daughter, right? Your father and I are friends. His company supplies all the medicines for this hospital." she said.

Well I must admit that she was three steps ahead of me at remembering things.
Sure, all doctors do is memorize and remember the complex names of everything.

"Ma'am I think you are mistaken. I am Janie Summers." I lied.

"Oh! I am so sorry. You look just like one of my friend's daughter." she smiled.

I smiled back, thinking how doomed I was.

"So what problem are you facing Janie?" she asked.

"My menstrual cycle isn't regular." I said. Quite obvious reason why girls of my age go to a gynaecologist.

"What is your age?" she asked.

"Eighteen." I answered.

"Well you are too young and this thing is common these days. I am giving you this tablet. Have it with milk and it will be fine. You should not worry about this until you are twenty." she scribbled something on a paper and handed it over to me.

"Thank you" I said and took it.

As I walked out of the hospital all I could think of was what was happening with me?

I threw the prescription in the dustbin outside the hospital and ran to my room.

As I locked myself in the room, I decided that this can't be done alone.

I needed help and I needed it immediately.

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