Field trip

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A Lovely song :)

At night, I had a peaceful sleep. Then in the morning I heard a voice:

"Chop! Chop! Get up honey, we are going for a field trip."

I opened my eyes,there was darkness in the room but soon Derek pulled the curtains and sunlight filled the room, which blinded me for a second.

I placed a hand and covered my eyes for a better view.

He was wearing a black T shirt with a minion printed on it and cream colored knee breeches. This signified that he was up and already ready.

I said "Shooo... let me sleep"

"We are getting late. Get up, I also have to hand the papers remember." he pulled me out of the bed, lifted me and carried all the way to the washroom and said "In you go. And hurry" then he closed the door behind me.

I got ready in half an hour or probably more than that. I was wearing pink colored sleeveless top and black shorts with pink sneakers.

We had breakfast and then, went to the car.

As I sat in, he said "Shit! I forgot the papers again" and ran in.

I decided to pass some time till he came back so I pulled out me mobile. As I did it, a notification flashed 'Missed call from Mike'.

I called him back 'Hey Mike'.

"Hi Becky. Listen I called to ask you that I have got two tickets of the premier of the movie 'The Pirates of Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales'. So would you like to go with me?" he asked.

Oh God! I liked the guy. So straight forward that he came right to the point. And how did he know that I was the biggest Johnny Depp fan.

"Yes I would love to, when is it?" I asked as I saw Derek return.

"22nd May" he said as Derek entered the car.

"Yeah, sure, I'll be there. Hey can we please talk later I am in bit of a hurry." I said. I hadn't informed him that I was out with Derek.

"Okay then talk to you later. Bye" he said.

"Bye" I replied.

"Take care" he said and hung up.

When I looked up, I found Derek staring at me. Okay, I had to admit that when Mike asked me out for a movie, I blushed, so what?

I looked back at him and asked "What?"

"Nothing" he said and started driving.

"Who was it?" he asked when he couldn't control anymore. 

I knew that he won't like to hear that I was talking to an other guy when I was out with I lied.


We drove for ten minutes and then entered the premises of big white office building.

"Okay, so I am going in to give these papers but I am not sure how much time it may take. You wan't to come?" he asked.

"No, I will wait here and talk to Melly, else she will go mad for cutting her off earlier." I smiled.

"See you, bye" he pecked my cheek and disappeared into the building.

I got out and called Melly.

"How is it going?" was the first thing she asked after immediately picking up.

"Fine" I replied.

"So are you still a virgin?" she asked.

"Yes" I said in a low voice.

"Why dude?" she asked.

"Well, last night, things got a little cooked up between us but out of nowhere appeared his elder stepsister and poured water on the fire between us. Killed our sexual anxiety." I said.

"That is bad, he has a sister?" she also couldn't believe.

"Yes, long story." I said.

"Okay so you listen to me Becky. You will have sex tonight." she said.

"Melly, it isn't one sided. Derek should also feel the same." I said.

"I know he feels the same. I am saying if he gets lost, it is your job to bring him back. You should play your part extremely well. Only then only both of you will be satisfied. Otherwise this whole trip, the privacy, everything will go in vain." she said.

"Right" I answered when I thought I had no other option.

"Okay so take care sis, bye" she said.

"Bye" I said and hung up.

Talking to her only made me wanting more of Derek. Sure I couldn't wait for the coming night. If he didn't start anything, it would be me. If he doesn't gets me laid, I will be the one to get him laid.

My thoughts were getting more and more devilish by the time Derek arrived.

We hoped into the car and drove off. 

As it was a field trip, we did got off at a field and enjoyed a lot. Talked to the farmers and everything. I must admit that it was the most fun I had ever had.

Then we went to have lunch in a small village restaurant. The bonding with the nature was refreshing.

After lunch we went to a nearby canal, and explored it till seven in the evening. Once it started getting dark, we drove our way back and were home by 8. Right in time for dinner.

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