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Just a random song. Enjoy.

"Oh no" I said and hid behind Derek.

"Relax! I got this." he said and puffed his chest which made his nipples penetrate even more.

The four men reached us and one of them asked Derek "What are you doing here, Tic Tack?"

"We were just using the short cut to reach the towing station." he tried to act friendly but neither of the men twitch a muscle. 

They looked strong and more powerful than Derek. They were tall and fat.

Then one of the men said "Look, he has a girl. Come here little one, let us see your beautiful face."

He pulled me away from Derek and loosened the grip.

I freed myself and went back to Derek.

"Do you know that this is our place and you have made an invasion?" said the man, he seemed to be like their leader.

"We were just passing by. Let us go and we will pretend we never saw each other." said Derek.

"You were trespassing, pay for it." said one of them.

"I don't have much cash" said Derek.

He was right, he made all the payments through the card.

"Give me your watch." said their leader.

"This is fucking Rado" said Derek showing his wrist.

"And this is a wrist without a watch." said their leader showing his wrist "You better hand it over to me or you will have a high time getting through." 

They all laughed on their boss's stupid joke.

One of the guys got vigorous and pushed Derek.

The impact transfered to me.

"Give him the watch. Let's get out of here." I whispered into Derek's ear.

He did as I said and gave the watch.

"You can go" said the leader.

"Thank you" said Derek and we moved a few steps that he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

Derek turned around.

The man had a tight grip on my wrist.

"I said YOU can go, not HER." said the man.

"Release her." ordered Derek furiously.

"Well, well." said the leader and shoved me towards his gang members.

Two of them caught me with one hand each.

"You will have to pay for her too." continued the leader.

There was a conversation going on between Derek and the leader. I wasn't able to hear them.

One of the guy was standing behind the leader and the other two were standing away from them with me as the prisoner.

"Hey beauty, look this way." one of the man put a hand on my face and made me look at him.

I resisted but he was too strong.

"Leave me." I shouted.

"Stop yelling." he shouted back.

But I didn't stop so he slapped me.

The impact was so high that I almost lost consciousness. My cheek was red.

"Becky" shouted Derek and ran towards me.

But the man grabbed him and punched him till he was lying on the floor.

He took support from the wall and got up. It showed that he wasn't going to give up easily.

I drew inspiration from it.

"Hey, what do you want?" I shouted to the leader.

"Everything that you both have." said the leader.

"Then let me come to you." I said.

"Release her." commanded the leader.

They left my wrists which were red by now.

I walked towards the  leader and said "Here" giving him my gold ear rings and the locket. Which was given to me by my mom.

It wasn't easy to let the locket go, but I had no other choice.

I went to Derek. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I am fine." he said and looked normal again.

But then the man pulled me again and said to Derek "Wise girl, isn't she? It is now your turn to make the bargain."

"Here" said Derek and took out his wallet.

But I couldn't let him hand over his wallet. It had money which could get us the car back. If it was gone, there was no use of all this pain.

I turned and bit the mans's wrist. He fell on the floor, crying in pain. I could see blood from his wrist.

"Run" I said and ran past Derek but instead when I turned back, I saw him going near the man.

"What are you doing?" I shouted as I could see the men approaching him.

"Run Becky, I will be there." he said.

I didn't had much time to think and started running in the dark.

I ran with all my stamina. Then when I turned back, I found that I was all alone.

Was it wise to leave Derek with those monsters?

I thought.

Then there were rustling noises and I heard footsteps.

I started running again but a human figure appeared out of nowhere.

"Ahhh" I shouted.

"Shhh, it is me" whispered Derek.

I couldn't see him clearly but he looked injured.

"This way, fast" he said and took my hand as we found our way out of the alley.

Once we reached the street, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Were you crazy?" I shouted at Derek for going back to the man when we had a chance to escape.

But I was dumbstruck when he took out my locket from his pocket.

"I am sorry I couldn't get the ear rings" he said.

By the time there were tears in my eyes.

I ran straight to him and hugged him.

Then in no time his lips captured mine. And his hands caressed my waist.

We kissed passionately till I touched one of the bruises on his face.

"Ouch" he shouted and jumped back.

"Oh! I am so sorry. But thank you so much." I cried in excitement.

"It was your mother's gift, isn't it?" he asked.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

He took out his wallet and showed me a similar kind of locket.

"My mom gave this to me when I was five, and that was the reason I hesitated to give him the wallet." he said and looked deep into my eyes.

"We are so much alike." I said.

"Yes we are." he said and planted a kiss on my cheek. 

We started walking on the street.

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