Fast forward

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The next three weeks flew by real fast and soon came the time to go back to college.

Luckily there was still a month left for the declaration of the results.

Many things happened in those three weeks.
In short they can be termed as the best part of my life.

Melly and I used to hang out as usual.

Derek and I were very close now. We attended many parties, hand in hand. Then we also had sex for like seven times around the three weeks.

Too much right?
Yes, it was. But I felt kind of addicted. Which wasn't good for me.

Micheal and I were best buddies, we used to get together for a coffee or swim at his place. His parents' business tour was elongated and they were not supposed to be back for the next three months.

We also went for the screening of the movie, The Pirates of Caribbean which I enjoyed a lot.
We dressed like Jack Sparrow, wearing loose white frilled shirt with blue pants and eye patches. 
I must admit that we looked like complete idiots in a decent audience.
But it was fun. We were different from others.

Sometimes I also felt like Micheal liked me, more than a friend. 

I wasn't quite sure about it but he did acted weird and over protective. He made a phone call once a day to ask how was I doing.
But he didn't say anything so I thought maybe it was me who was over thinking.

In addition I was now with Derek, even thinking of that was a crime.

On the first day, after the college re opened, we had regular classes before lunch and after lunch, the cheerleading team had their practice session. As the final match was still left.
It was scheduled after a month, the exact date was not known.

Melly and I dozed in the class for the first half. The new teacher was boring and taught nothing. 
The entire time we were either discussing his life story or daily life routine.

When the bell rang and the teacher left, both of us rushed for the washroom.
We washed our faces, applied foundation, combed hair and stepped out.
As we were about to meet our boyfriends.
For me, it was going to be my first lunch in college, with Derek.
Nothing was there to get excited about but we know how much Melly loved to over do things.

We walked straight to the mess hall and occupied a four seater table. 
Then we waited for Derek and Rowan to arrive. 
When they did, Melly waved which brought them to us.

We brought our food and returned back to the table.
Derek and I sat on one side and Melly and Rowan on the other.

We chatted and enjoyed.

Then I felt something hot touch my knee from, beneath the table. In no time I was able to make out that it was Derek's hand.

He moved it up and up. Luckily I was wearing shorts on that day.

When he reached the edge of the cloth, he started caressing my thigh in a circular motion.
The sensation did excite me and I gasped.

In the process, the food in my mouth made me choke.

"Hey, you okay?" asked Melly.

"Yes, I am fine" I said and gave Derek a look with large eyes.

He smiled and we continued eating. Once we were done everyone went their own way.

Melly and I got dressed and went for the practice. 

But only two girls other than Melly and me were present on that day so we decided to warm up.

Two hours of session and then we were free to leave.

We played the music and started dancing. 

After an hour, I was tired.
It was not a good sign as I was a dancer and I never got tired at least not after dancing just for an hour.

Was I getting unfit?
No I always danced at home for an hour daily, my weight was the same for the last on year. There wasn't a question of getting unfit.

I got up again and started dancing but soon, sat down on the floor itself.
My legs weighed a thousand pounds.

I went to a corner.

Melly and the other girls were still dancing.

"OH SHIT" I got up. "Is it? No, no, no." I said to myself.

I packed my bag and hurried out of the training room.
I told Melly that I will see her in the evening and left for the principal's cabin.

I opened the door by a snitch and said "May I come in, sir"

Dr Shaw looked up at me and said "Oh Becky, do come in" he smiled.

When he used to teach us in high school, I was his favorite student and that was the reason he was always friendly with me. 

"Mr Shaw, I am not feeling well. I wan't to go home." I lied.

"Is there a major problem?" he asked getting concerned.

"No, it isn't a problem but I am just not feeling good" I said.

"Oh, I do understand, Becky. Do you want me to call your mother?" he asked politely.

"No, she will be busy. I can go home on my own." I said.

"Okay then" he scribbled something on a paper and handed it over to me.

"Give this to the guard and he will let you out." he said.

"Thank you Mr Shaw." I said and got up to leave.

"No problem" he said as I left the cabin.

Hurriedly I ran out of the premises of the college.

The doubt that I had in my mind was killing me from the inside.

I called a taxi and went home.

Hey, if you liked this chapter, do vote for it. 

And also tell me what do you think Becky is suspicious about?

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