Off we go

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The next morning we woke up at 8:30.

Both of us behaved like good girls. Cleaned up all the mess. I packed my bag with proper folded and ironed clothes

We went to Mac donald's for breakfast.

Then Melly dropped me at my doorstep. 

Before leaving, she said "Becky don't think about anything. Just set your heart free and do what it wants. Take care" she gave me a big hug then.

I nodded.

Then we said bye and went our different ways.

I went in, brought down my bag and hand bag and kept the keys with it. Then I went around the house and gave a final look. Made sure if everything is fine and nothing is suspicious.

Mom and dad will be back on Monday night. 

Derek and I were planning to be back by Monday morning.

At 12, I  had my lunch. Then I watched TV and got ready. I wore a cream colored shorts with a red top. Black shoes by converse.

Then sharp at 1:30, Derek arrived.

He loaded my bag in the car while...

I locked the house, made double sure if everything was properly locked and then jumped into the car. I was hell excited for this most awaited moment.

"You are pretty serious of your security." said Derek.

"Have to" I said and smiled as he drove off.

"You look beautiful, as usual." he said.

"Thank you and you too" I said and then passed time by reading Da Vinci code which I carried in my purse.

"Where are we going?" I asked after riding for half an hour. The silence was killing me.

"To my farm house." he said.

"Where exactly?" I asked.

"That is a secret. You will get to know after 3 hours." he said.

He was wearing blue jeans and a chocolate brown t shirt with black sunglasses.

I too pulled out mine and wore it.

"3 hours by road, I am definitely going to get car sick." I said.

"No you won't I am prepared." he said and played the DVD which he already had in the portal.

Then played the song ' Shape of you ' by Ed Sheeran.

"No, no, not this one" I said looking at him and keeping my book down.

"Why? You don't like it?" he asked.

"No, this song makes me wanna dance." I said.

"So we need more space right?" he said and pressed a button.

In no time the roof of the car opened up.

I got up and he re-played the song.

The cool winds blew past my face. It was a moment that I had never experienced before.

Derek increased the speed of the vehicle which made me shout and I grabbed the car.

Then I started dancing and singing loudly.

He joined me too. Nodding his head and singing.

"...I in love me the shape of you, we push and pull like a magnet do, Although my heart is falling too, I am in love with you body.....Common be my baby common..." 

After the song got over, I sat down.

"I must say that this is the most fun I have ever had." I said.

"This was just the beginning, real fun is still on the way." he said.

Then there was silence for five minutes.

"Who was your previous boyfriend?" he asked.

"Well.. you are the first one" I said.

"Yes! I always wanted to be someone's first love" he exclaimed.

"Do you have a brother?" he asked

"Nope" I answered.

"Double yes" he shouted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Brothers are always a big trouble in a relationship. They hamper dates, poke their nose everywhere and if you ask the sister to choose between her brother and boyfriend, she will always go with brother. I have gone through lot of such cases." he explained.

"Oh!" I exclaimed.

"What did you tell your parents for this trip?" I asked.

"Well for them I am on a business meet. They have given me some papers and I have to hand it over to a guy tomorrow, that's it" he said.

"Oh good, I am on a run" I looked at him and smile. 

He laughed and said "Don't worry I will bring you back." 

"You will have to" I said.

"Who will have a chocolate shake?" he asked.

"Where is it?" I asked smelling. I was mad for shakes.

 I opened the glove compartment and there was a shake in it.

"Found ya" I said and grabbed it.

"Sharing is caring" he said looking at me from the corner of the eye.

"Well, here..." I said and took a sip and then bent to kiss him.

"That tasted better." he smiled.

I smiled and said "Now you won't have it anymore because I don't want to end up in an hospital." 

We enjoyed throughout the drive and after two hours, I stood in front of a huge white house.

It was beautiful and exotic.

We went in and met the house keeper, Aesha.

She welcomed us and then disappeared.

We went to our room upstairs and placed the luggage properly.

For the day, we enjoyed a lot, swimming, playing basket ball, dancing and everything.

I was totally unaware of what was going to happen in the night.

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