"Oh, I stopped by earlier this morning. Louis and Niall were in the garden with Mrs. Payne. Goddamn, Niall has a nice fucking ass."

I'm not even sure why I did it but I reached for Dewey and slammed him against the truck.

"Don't you ever fucking say something like that again about him or even look wrong at him Dewey or I swear to you, I will beat the shit out of you!"

Greg came running over and tried to pull me off Dewey as Dewey threw his hands in the air.

"Dude! Holy shit, I'm sorry I didn't think you were that serious about him..."

"Listen to me Dew; I'm going to marry that boy someday, so you better keep your fucking distance from him, you got me?" I said as I gave him a good push and walked to the driver's side of the truck.

"Dewey, we'll see you down at the river in a little bit. Why don't you let Liam cool off a bit before you come down there okay? And dude, don't talk about my brother like that ever again. Got it?"

"Um, yeah sure, sorry Greg. See you in a bit."

Greg loaded the last of the tools and jumped in the truck. "Jesus Liam, I think you scared the shit out of Dewey," Greg said with a laugh.

"Would you have let him talk about Niall that way?"

"Fuck no. I was about to kick the living shit out of him, but you beat me to him!"

"Let's just get to the river first before he shows up," I said as I put the truck in drive and took off. The thought of Dewey seeing Niall in some swimming trunks made me sick to my stomach. Goddamn fucker...

We pulled up and saw Niall and Louis sitting on the tailgate of my truck and I had to smile. Just the thought of him driving around on the ranch in my truck brought a smile to my face. I looked over at Greg, who had a shit-eating grin on his face. What was he up to?

"Do I even want to know what you're planning?"

"No. I don't think you do." Greg said as he gave me a wink and jumped out of the truck. The boys jumped down from the truck and they were both dressed in swimming trunks and tank tops. I could see the thought of him taking off that tank top had my damn dick jumping.
Niall came running over and jumped in my arms as I spun him around.

"Good morning Liam!" He said in my ear. "I missed you this morning!"

The heat on my neck from his breath was about to drive me insane. Why is it that everything this boy does drives me crazy!

"Good morning Niall. I missed you too, sweetheart, more than you know. Did you sleep okay last night?" I asked as I put him down and pushed a piece of hair out of his eyes.

"I did. I had a dream and I remember waking up so happy, but I cannot for the life of me remember what the dream was about. It kind of pisses me off really."

I threw my head back and laughed at him. Damn he was so fucking cute! I swung down and picked him up while he let out a small scream and carried him back over to the truck. Greg was already arguing with Louis. Jesus Christ, those two...

"I seriously doubt I was calling out your name in my sleep, you dickwad. You only wish I was."

"Tell him Ni, tell him how when I carried him up to bed he was saying how wonderful and strong and handsome I was."

"Um, that's not really how I remember it Greg," Niall said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Yeah, you wish pretty boy! You could only dream of me wanting you."

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