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So beautiful..

As the raven haired boy breathes in the cold air, he closes his eyes and feels the coolness in his skin with the sound of waves splashing in the background. Everything is like a dream that until now, he couldn't take a grasp of reality.

It's still dawn, but standing alone at the balcony of a two storey house was a boy waiting for the sunrise. In a peaceful quiet, he stayed there still closing his eyes and thinks back at his dreamlike life.

He thought about everything. His mother, his best friend, his cafe business and him. The one that almost got away. His sunshine.

Meeting him again after two years felt so surreal to the boy. He never thought that fate would bring them together again. And this time for good.

His hand finds his wrist and fiddles with the cookie bracelet. He opens his eyes and eyed it with adoration, then his eyes drifted to his ring. He slowly pulls off the ring from his finger and examined with awe the ring's inner walls.

Tae & Kookie

He smiled to himself and put the ring back to his finger. He is so happy at the moment that he feels like he's living the dream. The one consists with Tae.

He remembers the time when they met again at the cafe. How Taehyung had been so strikingly handsome and mature (and still he is now), how he casually sits at the waiting chair in front of Jungkook and stared at each other for what seemed like a long time.

The younger had been so speechless that time, everything that he planned to say vanished from his head and just concentrated at the beauty in front of him.

It all started with a deep 'hey' from Taehyung and next thing they knew, they were in each other's arms, crying and both mumbling 'I'm sorry's' to each other. For a long time, something sparked again from the two and this time, it ignited even brighter and stronger. From there, they knew that their story opens again for a new chapter.

Words of explanation and apology were exchanged and also acceptance. Jungkook was even surprised to know that the room mate Mr. Lee was talking about was Taehyung.

Since then, they lived under the same roof and the brunette didn't return to America. His boss agreed to assign him to work at the Korean branch of the magazine company, so he can be with Jungkook all the time.

They both made up to the time that they lost and swore to give each other the love they deserved.

As years passed, they grew to be more inlove, if that's even possible. They've grown to be matured men and more understanding with one's character, which is very essential in a relationship.

They were drunk. Drunk from each other's presence that they promised to never let go again, whatever happens. Their love was sailing smooth when suddenly, one day, Taehyung popped out the question: Will you marry me, my Kookie?

And of course, who is Jungkook to reject that? He just cried hard while nodding, and trying to believe that it was really happening in front of him. Taehyung laughed happily and hugged him with all his might. They were each other's soulmates.

The proposal led to their most beautiful moment in life, the day when they became one. They exchanged their vows with their friends and family as witnesses, and little Jaehyun as their ring bearer.

Jungkook is smiling like an idiot, thinking about everything that happened, when he felt strong arms wrap around his waist.

"What are you doing here bunny?"

Jungkook now giggled loudly like a teenager. He's squealing on the inside from the butterflies he feels in his stomach whenever they are too close. Taehyung chuckled lightly at his cuteness as he places his head on the younger's shoulder.

"Just waiting for the sunrise."

"So you're planning to watch it alone?" Taehyung pouted.

"I was hoping to watch it together with you, but you look so peaceful in your sleep so I decided to not wake you."

Taehyung kissed his neck which brings a tingling sensation over Jungkook's body. "I woke up when I found out you weren't there. Now we could watch it together."


"So did you like the place?"

"Tae, we've been here before. Of course I love it." Jungkook now can't contain the butterflies as Taehyung nuzzles his nose on his neck. "Hey, that tickles.."

"So adorable.." The older just whispers.

Jungkook continues to smile as he scans the area. He remembers the day when they both went here after his exams. He remembers the skeleton house that was abandoned near the beach. He didn't expect Taehyung to actually buy the place from his friend and rebuild the house here.

And now, here they are standing at the very balcony of the newly built house, wrapped in each other's embrace, and enjoying the view of the sea and the sound of peaceful waves splashing. In this house, they would start a new chapter of their life which is to build a family. He knows that life wouldn't be perfect, would contain ups and downs but they will face it together and be each other's rock.

They both wait for the sun to emerge in a peaceful comfortable silence.


Jungkook hums as a reply.

"I love you."

The younger opens his mouth to say something when suddenly, his eyes caught a little yellow light peeking from the horizon.

"I- OH LOOK!" Jungkook's attention was being dragged to the sun slowly rising. He pointed his hand to the scenery like a little kid.

Taehyung also looks at the sun slowly moving upwards. They both watched the sunrise in awe and Taehyung suddenly wants to capture the moment.

He patted the balcony's ledge for his camera only to remember that he left it downstairs. He face palmed again when he couldn't find his phone, probably inside their room. He didn't want to leave Jungkook's warmth so he groans and just let the sun happily rise without being captured.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook suddenly asks.

"I didn't bring my camera or phone to take a picture." Taehyung frowns.

"Hey, don't be sad. There would be plenty of time to capture it." Jungkook looks at the sun and suddenly thinks of a way to make his love smile again.

He cranes his neck to the side and looks at the brunette.

"Hey Taehyung."


"I love you too."

And Jungkook swears that there is no smile brighter than the sun, than Taehyung's.

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