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I woke up feeling better than in any other day there was. I don't feel cold anymore and my energy is gradually coming back.

But there's something more. When I opened my eyes, I was faced with a tan neck with Adam's apple slightly protruding. I slowly adjusted my body upwards to see the boy's face next to me.

It was the most beautiful thing that my eyes had laid upon. Seeing Taehyung's face up close, I could see the sharp features that he possesses.

His eyes we're close and I just realized how long and pretty his lashes are. The outline of his pointy and perfect nose matched his mysterious look. And oh his lips, that pink plump lips that I want to kiss again.

I lift my hand to touch his face and slowly trace his lovely features. My thumb rested at his lips and lightly stroking it.

This isn't a dream. Last night wasn't a dream.

I can't keep it anymore. I leaned in and kissed his lips. It was just a soft peck so that he won't wake up.

I pulled away and went back to staring at him again.

"You done?" He said with his eyes still close. He looked amused.

I was shocked and my eyes widen at that. "You're awake all this time?!"

He chuckled and opened his eyes. "You're quite naughty Kookie."

"Yah! Stop that." I was blushing so hard that my cheeks would likely to explode now. I shoved his shoulders away and hid my face with my hands.

"It's okay. I know you're checking me out." He was still giggling.

"I said stop. I hate you."

"No you don't."

He softly pushed my hands away from my face and stared at me. "You're beautiful. I just want to keep you for myself."

He slowly leaned in to kiss me. As his lips were an inch closer to mine, the door to my bedroom creaked open.

"Kookie?" Jimin whispered as he poked his head to the room.

Tae and I abruptly pulled away from each other, with me pushing him from the bed. He fell to the floor with a loud bump and I heard a soft "shit" coming from him.

Jimin's face was shocked at first and his eyes were wide as the ocean. But then he looked at Taehyung who was still on the floor and stifled a laugh. "Pft!"

The brunette glared at him and soon, the shortie was now laughing loudly.

"Sorry sorry! I just crept in to check for Jungkook if he's fine. But as I look at him now, he seemed more than that." Jimin then winked at me before closing the door.

"How could you push your boyfriend like that?" Tae said with a frown as he slowly got up while rubbing his butt.

I blushed at the word 'boyfriend' and fiddled with my fingers.

"Sorry I got scared. I didn't mean it to push you like that."

He sighed and sit at the bed, his back facing me.

"Hyung?" I move closer to him.

"Why are you scared? Aren't you happy?"

"What are you saying? I'm more than happy. I feel ecstatic knowing you're here with me."

He then shifted his body to face me.

"I just like you so much..." His voice becoming a whisper.

"I do too hyung. I lo- uh..like you a lot."

"Then prove it." He then puckered his lips for me to kiss it.

"No, you have morning breath." I said teasing him.

He whined and pouted. "You were just kissing me there a while ago."

I just stuck my tongue out to him and giggled.

"Yah! My butt still hurts and it's all your fault. I need a kiss." He said still pouting.

"How can a kiss cure your butt?" I said chuckling at his cuteness.

"Pretty please?" He said puckering his lips once again and looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

A cute Taehyung is gonna be the death of me. He's just so adorable right now that I didn't realize I had already cupped his face and squished it together, making his lips pucker more.

I then leaned in and gave him a quick kiss with a "ummmmmwah!"

My heart now is fluttering that it's so good feeling it. I kept smiling from ear to ear and so was he.

"Wait.." He touched the back of his hand to my neck feeling it. "You don't have a fever anymore. You feeling ok now?"

"More than okay, hyung." I said and made a toothy smile.

"That's good. But you still need to drink your medicine." His hand on my neck a while ago was now on my right cheek, stroking it with his thumb.

I leaned into his touch and close my eyes.

"Thank you, hyung."

"No problem. You know I will do anything just for my bunny."

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