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It was a Saturday and I woke up early. I got up enthusiastically because I'm just so excited. This day would be very important since I will go to Taehyung's work. I will finally get to see Taehyung's passion and get to know him more. And most importantly, I will be spending more time with him.

I washed myself and changed into comfortable clothes. Just plain white tshirt, jeans and Timberlands. Suddenly, I got a text message.

taetae: you ready? 😎📷

My heart skipped a beat. I replied a simple "yeah" since I don't want to be obvious being eager to be with him.

As I trudge down the stairs. I saw Jimin hyung entered the front door.

"Hey Jimin hyung. You just came back."

He jumped when he heard me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Uh..yeah. I got delayed, bad weather at Daegu." He said while scratching the back of his neck. It seems like he was avoiding my eyes.

"Ooooooh. Is that it?" I said while wiggling my eyebrows.

He just blushed and squinted past me to the stairs. "I need to change, I have work. See ya."

"Aren't you tired?" I said while giggling and emphasizing the last word.

He looked at me wide-eyed and slammed the door to his bedroom. I laughed loudly until I can't breathe.

Really. That shortie who always loves to tease and annoy the hell out of me seems so confident in doing it. But when he is the one being teased, he just shrinks into a mute ball.

I was startled by a knock on the front door and my heart skipped. I hurriedly open it and I was caught off guard.

It was Taehyung. He is not wearing his usual ripped outfit but instead he was in a faded blue button up shirt slightly tucked in with two buttons unmade at the top, partnered with black skinny pants and a camera that hung on his neck.

He looked really professional and elegant. And so so handsome. I was busy memorizing everything about him that I didn't realize he was staring at me too.

"Excuuuje mee!" I jumped at the sound of Jimin's high pitched voice. He was walking hurriedly through the door and Taehyung and I just snapped and awkwardly gave way to him. He was in a hurry but he still manage to turn his head at me and smirk. "Don't just stand there. Good things don't come to those who wait."

Taehyung stifled a smile. I scoffed at Jimin and made a move to pull his wrist harshly but he was already out running on the streets. And he was laughing.

I turned to Taehyung, "Don't mind that pabo." He just shrugged. He's still smiling as we walk together towards their studio.


The place is just walking distance from our apartment and the place is pretty amazing. It was a two-storey building being the first floor as the studio and the upper floor as their apartment. It was huge and cozy. Inside were camera equipments, many lights and computers installed. Few people, I assume as the model's personal assistant or stylist, were standing from across the room. We arrived just in time and we spotted a guy with blond hair, tall probably Namjoon, looking for him.

"The model's just fixing her make-up. We've already set up the equipments." Namjoon said while approaching us. As he talked he glances at Jungkook.

"You must be Jungkook?"

"Yes. And you must be Namjoon?" We quickly shook hands.

"Ah. You're the one this kiddo keeps on ranting about day and night."

Taehyung loudly clears his throat causing Namjoon to stop talking. The brunette widens his eyes at him. "I see Miss Tzuyu is already there. Let's get going?"

Namjoon sheepishly smiled at me, showing his deep dimples. I felt butterflies again thinking about what he just said. I was blushing.

"Kookie, just make yourself comfortable." Taehyung holds my hand and leads me to a corner near the camera equipments. I blushed harder.

He turned to me and smiled. "Be my guest." He look at my face while I was blushing. He pinched my cheek.

"Cute." He ruffled my hair and walk to the center. I just look at them intently talking with that model Tzuyu.

They were discussing things as I notice how touchy Tzuyu is. And practically only to Taehyung. She frequently touches his arm and lightly slaps his chest while laughing. As I look at her, I just realized Tzuyu is very gorgeous and has a great body, not that I'm attracted to her in any way. She's tall and very pretty, and she's perfect for Taehyung.

I felt a pang of jealousy at what I just thought. My heart seems to tighten that I just look away from them.

After a few minutes, Tzuyu went under the spotlight. I saw Taehyung turned very professional as he brings the camera closer to his face and clicks many time.

"Okay ready in one..two.." His face is serious in a friendly way and far from the dork that I saw at the cafe.

A few clicks and instructions here and there and after awhile, Tzuyu needs to change her outfit.
I heard a sound of camera clicking near me and saw Taehyung snapping a picture of me.

"Hey!" I wasn't prepared. He clicked the camera again this time capturing my shocked and wide-eyed face. He came over to me laughing.

"Delete that hyung!"

"No way" he sat beside me and my face is a dark shade of pink.

I made a move to grab the camera from his hands but he was quick to avoid it. His right hand clutching the camera while his left holding my wrist. We are both laughing loudly now. I didn't give up and still reached for the camera. Until our bodies are so close to each other and I am almost pressed against him. The camera was still out of reach. We practically looked like hugging.

We then realized it was really quiet and everybody stopped moving. We stopped and turned to look at several pairs of eyes that bore only to us.

We quickly shuffled into a much decent position which is sitting straight. My hands on my lap, face burning while looking down.

I heard Taehyung cleared his throat. "So how was it, Kookie?"

"You're pretty great, hyung." I watch him as he fiddles with the strap of his camera.

"I was worried"


"I just thought that you'll be bored sitting here listening to camera clicks."

"I was busy though." Busy staring at your pretty face.

He furrowed his brows. He seems confused. I realized what I said was stupid.

"Uhm. I was busy observing all the camera work. You know angles and stuff. And I like cameras too." So lame.

"Really? I never knew. Maybe we should hang out more so that we can take pictures together." He said looking happy.

"That's lovely!" I was clapping but deep inside I was deeply thinking when did I even get fond of pictures? I can't even take a damn selfie!

We were interrupted by a hand snaking at Taehyung's shoulders.

"Hey Tae, let's get started?" It was Tzuyu.

Namjoon was also approaching us. "Let's go?" He said.

Taehyung looked at me with an apologetic smile. "Be right back."

I just smiled at him but it quickly turned upside down because Tzuyu held his arms and looking at him as if she was waiting for Taehyung to say something.

Taehyung just shrugged, "Ready?" But he didn't let go and he just let her.

"You look good in that dress." Namjoon said to her. She smiled but not that very satisfying. She probably wants to hear that from Taehyung.

Bittersweet✔ (taekook)Where stories live. Discover now