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I was still standing at the kitchen, still dazed by my thoughts that I didn't notice Namjoon hyung already waving his hand at my face.

"Oh hyung.." I mumbled while blinking.

"You okay there?" He was now pouring hot water to some instant ramen.

I nodded my head and looked down.

"Why are you here?"

"Huh? I was just.. Uhm.. Just.. Just putting these away.." I said referring to the cookies.

"You just left your boyfriend with her?"

"Why?" I asked, confused.

He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled, then he eyed me with a sympathetic look. "I just like how you trust each other."

I placed the cookies in the cabinet, completely losing my appetite.

"You know," Namjoon hyung continued as he poured some more hot water, "if I were his boyfriend, I would go get him."

I look at him with a frown, completely losing my composure and the walls that I built gradually crumbled down. "Hyung..."

He raised an eyebrow then suddenly he let out a yelp. "Ow!" He accidentally poured some hot water at his hand at the same time knocking his cup of ramen causing it to spill on the floor. Soon after, Namjoon hyung was jumping while shaking his hand.

I rush up to the aid of my clumsy hyung and placed his hand under tap water. He just looked at his ramen in grief and disbelief.

"What what what happened?" Taehyung came rushing to the kitchen with Irene following behind. I decided to just focus at Namjoon hyung's hand.

"N-nothing. Just continue talking with each other." I said with my head hanging low.

Irene raised an eyebrow and went to Namjoon hyung's side. "Tae, get the first aid kit."

Taehyung quickly got the kit, placed it on the table and pulled out needed things for first aid. He handed ointment and gauze to the girl like they are used to doing these kinds of things together.

"Joonie oppa don't move!" Irene held the blonde's hand and carefully inspected it. After putting ointment and patching the blonde hyung's wound, we all went back to the living room.

"I guess I should go now." Irene turned to Tae and smiled. "That was quite a catching up."

Taehyung just stared at her and timidly smiled. Why is he suddenly like that? I just pushed away the thoughts quickly when she walked towards the door.

"Joonie, stop hurting yourself okay?" Namjoon just nodded and mumbled a "thanks" then she turned at me and smile rather forcefully. I smiled back but I think it didn't reach my eyes.

Then one last look at Tae, she headed outside.

Namjoon started walking upstairs to his room grumbling something in his breath, leaving Tae and me alone. When his door finally slammed close, I was suddenly pulled into Taehyung's embrace.

With his arms around me and his face on my neck, his warm breath leaves a tingling sensation. He brought his lips to my ear and I can hear him whispering, "freaking finally."


"What did you two talk about?" I asked Taehyung while staring at the ceiling.

We went back to his bedroom after that encounter with Irene. Taehyung is currently sitting on a chair next to the bed engrossed in his laptop while I lay on his bed.

He just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled "nothing special" without removing his eyes on his laptop screen.

I faced him sideways and asked him "are you sure?"

That's when he poked his head behind his laptop and looked at me. His eyes became soft.

"She said she missed me." He sighed, "she didn't expect that I will leave Daegu immediately after the break up."

I nodded then slumped back to bed with a loud sigh. "She missed you? Just you? What about Namjoon hyung?"

He stood up and went to the bed. He sat and leaned against the headboard. "Hey hey, is someone jealous?"

"I'm not jealous" I mumbled. "What did you say after? You missed her too?"

"I knew it you're jealous!" He laughed.

"Aish stop it hyung!" I smacked his arm lightly while pouting.

He was still laughing so I turned my back to him. He immediately stop and back hugged me. "I don't miss her bunny. How could I miss another when I already have the cutest, hottest and most adorable bunny in the world." I blushed at his words, with his breath to my neck adding to the sensation.

"You're just saying that so I won't get mad."

"But it's true!" He hugged me tighter. "Yes I had a heartache when I moved here. But when I met you, I became happy again and didn't think about her anymore. And surprisingly, I didn't miss her one bit."

I faced him and I swear my smile can reach up to my ears.

"My eyes and heart only belongs to you." My face was blushing and my smile wouldn't even falter. I giggled and hugged him.

"Wait there's this song that I heard the day before. And it really reminds me of you. The singer's name was Amber? No. Ombre? Auburn? Yeah Auburn."

I just hummed in response as my face was still buried on his neck.

"Cause you're the apple of my eye.." He started singing.

"Hyung! That's apple to my pie."

"Whatever." He still continued singing. "You're the straw to my berry. You're the smoke to my high. And you're the one I wanna marry."

I giggled and joined him singing.

"Cause you're the one for me for me.
And I'm the one for you for you.
You take the both of us of us.
And we're the perfect two.."

We cuddled and I felt sleepy at his soothing voice. I closed my eyes and stopped singing. I just listened to him as he finished the song. "We're the perfect two.. Baby me and you.. We're the perfect two.."

Bittersweet✔ (taekook)Where stories live. Discover now