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It's been 3 days since I had gone to that cafe. The incident with Taehyung didn't come unnoticed by Jimin, and he kept on teasing me with the guy. I was glad I had been studying well but the tension is still there. Few weeks from now would be hell of exams and after that, we are free from this school.

I went to the cafe to review some notes. Maybe that Taehyung guy would be there. I smiled at the thought.

Jimin was the one greeted me at the cashier. "Hey Kookie! Americano or Caramel Macchiato?"

"I'll take the latter." Those two are the only flavors I order. Americano if I'm down and Caramel Macchiato for my good mood.

"Caramel Macchiato, coming right up." He said eye smiling while preparing my cup. "Oh, and I hope your boyfriend will show up today." He whispered with a teasing look.

I glared at him and looked around, making sure no one heard that. I spotted the guy Jimin was talking to that night.

"Why don't you flirt again with him? Rather than embarrassing me." I pointed at the guy, he seemed to hear what we're talking about and gave us a cold look.

"Laters, baby." Jimin said with a smirk.

"Ew" I scoffed and just walk over to my favorite corner, questioning how I end up being friends with him.

As I scan my notes, my eyes would drift to the door from time to time, hoping for a guy in ripped shirt would enter.

It was a time when I was all focused on reading a paragraph when I felt something move. I look up and felt my heart badabing badaboomed. I silently cursed.

"Hi...Jungkook?" He said smiling cautiously, probably thinking that I would end up choking myself again.

"Hey...Taehyung?" He widened his eyes. "I heard the cashier called you last time." I quickly answered. I just find our greetings funny since we haven't had the chance of formally introducing ourselves. Both just plain assumption of our names.

He smiled and went to sit facing me again. "So how's it going?" He said referring to my notes.

"So far so good." I drank my coffee for a distraction. "So why are you here?"

"Oh. Do you want me to transfer?" He slowly got up.

"No! I didn't mean that." He sat down again confused. "I'm just curious why you still sit here with me when the place is no longer full."

"Am I that obvious?" He smiled sheepishly. "You look cool and I was wondering if we could be friends? I'm new here so maybe I can get someone to hang around." He said shyly. "If it's okay with you?" He looks up with hopeful eyes.

Wow, look at that. "Um sure." I said, ignoring the feeling of disappointment when he said 'friends'. I mentally kicked myself as I was thinking I was friend-zoned immediately.

He suddenly grinned widely. "But I think you're busy, so don't mind me here."

"No it's okay. I just finished reading." Who are you kidding dude? I sighed.

"That's great. What are you reading though?" He looked at my literature book. "That's pretty boring."

"Yeah. Glad you came." I said lowering my head.

"I'm glad too."


We walked to my apartment after hours of sitting at the cafe and chatting random things. We talked like we've known each other for so long and got along with each other. He's really a funny guy and I find myself more drawn to him.

I found out that he was from Daegu and lived with his parents and grandma. You can feel he really loves his grandma by how he talks about her and misses working at her strawberry farm.

He is also a photographer and owns a studio with his best friend. They just transferred here in Seoul to open a branch of their studio.

We didn't notice how time flew so fast. We went out of the cafe and he insisted to walk with me to my apartment.

"So um, I just realized that we haven't exchanged numbers yet." He told me while looking at the ground.

"Oh is it really necessary?" I asked him smiling. "I just don't give my number to anyone."

"Oh" he looks surprised. "Um, I understand, I'm still a stranger to you. I'm sorry." He laughed nervously.

We continued walking in silence, our hands slightly brushing. I feel a tingling sensation every time our hands brushed so I awkwardly put my hands in my pocket.

"When will you visit the cafe again?" He asked breaking the silence.

"I don't know, I'll be pretty busy these days actually." I shrugged.

He didn't answer. We walked in silence again until we reached my apartment.

"Guess I'll just see you when I see you." He waved smiling.

He was about to walk away when I called him. "Hyung."

He turned around. "Yeah?"

"Give me your phone."

He looked at me confused, then slowly handed the phone. I tapped my number on the phone, naming it "Kookie".

I quickly handed back the phone to him and opened the gate. I gave him one last look and said, "Call me" while blushing and slightly embarrased.

As I close the door, the last thing I saw was a speechless Taehyung looking at me with mouth agape.

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