The Man Who Can't Be Moved

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Jungkook's POV

I woke to the sound of my alarm ringing and stretched my body. The rain last night had stopped, letting the sky radiate the sun rays inside my room. I slowly drag myself inside the bathroom and quickly do my morning routine.

I prepared myself a small breakfast, since I'm alone in this apartment. I moved back here again, but this time, Jimin is not staying here anymore since he's now living with Yoongi hyung.

I heard knocking on my door so I quickly opened it, only to be met by Mr. Lee, the landlord of this apartment.

"Oh hi Mr. Lee!" I greeted while thinking I paid the rent last time, right?

"Oh Jungkook, I didn't come here for that. In fact, you paid the bills on time." Mr. Lee said while grinning.

I facepalm myself thinking I must've said it out loud. "Sorry, what brought you here?"

"I was just going to inform you that you will be having a new housemate. Just a temporary one since his house isn't finished building yet."

"Oh that's all?" I was slightly dreading the fact of another person in the house. I was kinda used to being alone and sulk or having Jimin.

"Yeah. He would probably be here in the evening, so enjoy each other's company! Have a good day!" With that, he walked away.

I rolled my eyes at the sudden information and kept telling myself that its not bad to meet new friends. After cleaning the remains of breakfast, I head out.

On my way out, I scrolled through my phone's music playlist. The song 12:51 was on repeat so I decided to choose another one. I was opening the door still looking in my phone when I saw The Script's 'The Man Who Can't be Moved' and clicked on it. Soon, the smooth sound of guitar playing was heard.

Going back to the corner
where I first saw you..

Softly humming the tune, I walk out of the apartment into the peaceful morning. I'm not in a hurry so I walk in a slow pace, thinking of the events that happened.


Sitting at the same corner of the cafe, I furrowed my brows while calculating expenses and costs of stocks, and from time to time, writing down the stocks that we're about to order: from pastries to coffee ingredients.

I took a break for awhile and sip on my cup of Americano that is not so hot anymore. I look around the customer packed cafe and smiled to myself, thinking how far Jimin hyung and I had come.

Looking around, I saw a young boy quietly sitting on a chair near the counter and staring at the jar of cookies placed at the top. I slowly got up and walked to the child, he had his little bag on his back and his legs were swinging since it cannot reach the ground.

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