Few loving moments

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Anika's pov-

Daksh..."I screamed their names as I saw them fighting in hospital.

"How dare you to say like this for Anu..."Daksh yelled on Shivaay while punching his face.

"Why???Can't bear the truth!!!
By the way,
What's your relation with her ha???"he asked.

And that was it!

I marched towards him and slapped on Shivaay's face.

I was ready for any punishment,any tantrum,any insults...But
I couldn't able to bear anything on my character,especially with Daksh!

He was staring at me with red blood shoot eyes.

My whole body was shivering.

I looked at his hand,it was bleeding profusely.
I took his hand on mine and made him sit.

"Excuse me sister,
Can you please give me first aid box???"I requested one sister.

After two minutes,
She came with the one.

I took anti-septic and started applying it on the wound.

He jerked his hand.

He told me not to touch it.

But I didn't listen anything and done the dressing.

He was staring at me continuously.

I could feel his constant gaze on me.

After that I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Everything will be alright soon..."I said while staring in his eyes.

His eyes were purely carrying pain.

I placed my hand on his.
He rested his head on my shoulder.

We closed our eyes as tears occupied them.
All the pain,hurt swelled our hearts.


Still we felt peace,relaxed because we were like this after an ages.

I opened my eyes and saw Daksh.
Who was smiling sheepishly on us.
I glared at him and he left the place.

I looked at Shivaay,
And rubbed his tears.

He opened his eyes and again his akdu,angry avtar took my Shivaay away.

"Stay in your limits..."he said rudely.

And I took my hand back.

He opened his phone and

"Hello sweetheart,
Yes,doll papa is coming...
Yeah yeah I'll prepare your favorite food for dinner...
Ha baby pinky promise...."he said with little smile.

I was stunned.

Shivaay had a baby girl???
How could this possible???

I gathered all my courage and asked,

"Mmmm..Shiv... vaay...you h...have daughter???I mean how..."


Interrupted by him.

"How this possible right???
In that case,
What you think you are so intelligent that you can cheat the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi ???"he asked with his iconic smirked.

I was confused!!!

What the hell he was talking about???

I looked at him in blank face.


What do you think,
What's Shivaay's secret???

Do comments.

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