Chapter 22: Liam

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"Look Niall, Liam made blueberry muffins. Isn't that so sweet? Some guys are just like that: caring. They know how the little things just make a guy so happy," Louis said as he leaned against the counter and stared Greg down. He had been sending someone a text message right before.

I did not like where this was going.

"Louis, can I speak with you in private please?" Greg asked as he stood up.

"Um, no..." Louis said as he picked up a muffin and started to put butter on it.

Greg was running his hands down his face clearly getting frustrated. He let out a loud sigh. "Please, I really need to talk to you...please."

Louis looked up at Greg, and I swear if looks could kill, Greg would have been on the floor. "Whatever you have to say to me you can say it in front of my friends. You know what those are, don't you, Greg? Oh wait, the type of friends that you have, you fuck them in your room during your brother's graduation party."

"Louis, that's enough, he just wants to talk to you," Niall said as he looked back and forth between Louis and Greg.

Fuck me, this was not going to go well at all.

"No, this is fine, Niall. If this is how Louis wants to have this go down, then that is fine by me. I was going to apologize for my comment last night that embarrassed you. It was very insensitive of me to bring up the fact that you're still a virgin, and that your fucking dry humping every guy at the party might give them the wrong impression you were ready to give it up," Greg said as he slammed his water bottle down.

This was like a fucking train wreck that I couldn't stop watching.

"Greg! Oh my God! How could you say that to him right now, after what you did to him last night?" Niall said as he stood up and walked up to Greg.

"What...what did I do to him Niall? I was trying to apologize, and he is being a bitch about it," Greg said as he turned to look at Louis.

Louis was just standing there with a blank expression on his face. "You slept with that guy, Greg. You knew that was going to hurt knew it would," Niall said with a crack in his voice.

"Is that what it is, Louis? Are you upset because I slept with another guy, because the last time I checked, sweetheart, I didn't have a fucking boyfriend," Greg shouted at Louis.

"Do not call me 'sweetheart,' you son of a bitch," Louis said as a tear started to roll down his face.

"Greg, let's just back off here for a minute. Dude, I see where you're going with this and I get it but..."

"What?" Niall said as he turned and gave me a shitty look.

Oh fuck...

"So Liam, you think what Greg did to Louis was okay, because they're not dating? You and I both know they have feelings for each other," Niall said as he put his hands on his hips.

Shit, he was cute when he was mad.

"Now wait a minute, Niall; don't turn this around on me now. That's not what I was going to say. I was just saying that it is true. Louis and Greg are not dating and really he could see or date anyone he wants. I'm not excusing what he did it's just, it's just..." Oh why the fuck did I think I just stuck my foot in my damn mouth? Stop talking Liam...

"Can I just please say that I could care less what this dickwad does, okay? So Greg, have at it. Fuck whoever you damn well please, 'cause you're right, we have nothing together. Never have and you made it very clear last night, we never will. I got your message loud and clear," Louis said as he wiped a tear from his face.

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