You Look Like a Juice Person

Start from the beginning

After clipping the order onto the order wheel, Percy collapsed onto a nearby empty chair, and looked up at his coworker Sophie.

"I saw you talk to that girl over there." Sophie nodded her head in the direction of Annabeth. "Not your finest work my friend. I don't think you could have closed your mouth if you tried."

"Definitely a trial and error situation. Don't speak unless necessary." Percy covered his forehead with his hand.

"Well, I don't think zero communication is the way to go either." Said Sophie tapping her finger on her chin.

"Well then, what do you suggest?"

"Find a conversation topic. And maybe this time, try to let her say a few words."

Percy rolled his eyes, and brought Annabeth her water.

"Sorry, that was kind of an awkward start." He said fiddling around with some straws in his apron pocket.

"It's totally fine, I mean this heat could make anyone ramble."

Ding! Conversation topic.

"I know. The weather has been unbearable." Agreed Percy.

"I'm almost positive, anything remotely long sleeved in my closet, has withered away from old age."

"Consider yourself lucky. The uniform here is a long sleeved button down with pants."

"Oh my gods, you must be dying. My heart goes out to you." Said Annabeth placing her hand on Percy's.

The two blushed before awkwardly pulling their hands away.

"I'm gonna uh- go check your meal or something."

"Sounds good." Said Annabeth nervously fiddling with her hair.

Percy left and found Annabeth's meal waiting on the counter.

He pick up the platter and grabbed her salad and lasagna. A/N I know the salad comes out first but work with me here

He smiled as he slid the two plates in front of her.


"Do you want to eat with me? I ordered more than I could eat by myself."

"I don't know what kind of restaurants you've been going too, but the staff don't usually eat with the guests. Anyway, I'd probably get fired if someone saw me slacking off."

"Alright if you can't become a guest I guess I'll have to become a staff member." Replied Annabeth, obviously formulating a plan in her head.


"Here, hand me your apron."

"Okay." Replied Percy, more than a little confused. Annabeth took the hair-tie from her wrist and tied her hair into a pony tail. She wraps the apron around her waist and handed Percy her salad.

She picked up the lasagna, and guided Percy confidently through the kitchen into the storage room. They each set up a fold out chair in front of an extra table and set down the food.

"A little dusty for s first date," mused Annabeth. "But it will do."

"So this is a date?" Confirmed Percy, and he forked a bite of lasagna.

"Take a hint, juice boy." Said Annabeth, flicking Percy on the forehead. "Just us two, sharing a meal, at an Italian restaurant."

"To be fair, we are in a storage closet. And I work here, and apparently you do too, now." Percy motion two the apron around her waist.

Annabeth laughed. "I see your point." The two sat in a comfortable silence, until it was harshly interrupted by the door swinging open.

Annabeth slightly jumped from her seat, startled by the sudden noise. A tall man holding a mop and broom, stood in the doorway; blankly staring at Percy and Annabeth.

The man had scraggly, limp, light brown hair that covers most of his forehead. His eyes were a grayish blue, with heavy bags lying underneath. The name tag on his uniform, was so worn, you couldn't read it. Although, Percy was fairly certain it started with a G. Or maybe an R.

"Can we help you?" Asked Annabeth, breaking the tension.

"Hand me the dustpan?"

Percy shrugged and tossed the janitor guy the large metal dustpan.

"I'm Brett."

"Percy." Brett waved, before turning and slumping back to whatever job he was doing before.

Annabeth turned her head towards Percy and laughed.

"An awkward encounter to say the least."

"Either way, we should pack up. I have a job to get back to."

"Your right." Annabeth folded up her chair, and grabbed the food. "I've had a nice time. See you around?"

"I certainly hope so." Replied Percy, smiling.


When Annabeth finally reached home, she then realized she still had Percy apron tied around her waist.

She sighed, and started to take off the apron. Although, after hearing a crumpling noise coming from the pocket, she stopped.

Annabeth unfolded the small piece of paper.

Next time you plan on eating in a storing room, make sure to invite me! -Percy

His number was listed below.

Well, now that Annabeth has his apron, she absolutely must rerun in tomorrow. Oh well.

A/N Hello everyone, sorry for not updating for like a year. But what else is new. I hope you enjoyed!

Xoxo Ciao

Caught a cold from friend
Surprise party for Corinne
Road trip to Solvang

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