Chapter 10: April Fools!!

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After my party yesterday we watched a movie and i kind of slept in Liam's arms and Mica said that he carried me to my hotel room. They even said that he kissed my forehead!! EEEPP. So now i know that feeling of having an amazing boyfriend. Today Liam and I are going out to dinner. I saw my phone vibrating, i was too lazy to get it at 8 A.M. in the morning. But it was bugging me so i got up and grabbed it. Though it made me feel better how i got a text from a special person.

From: Liam<3

To: My babez[;

Hey beautiful! i just wanted to tell you how excited i am to have dinner with you later and did you know that Harry likes Jhsreal and he was going to ask her out yesterday but was too scared and same with Rachel and Niall..Anyways, I'm on my way to your hotel! See yaa! xoxo

From: My babez[;

To: Liam<3

Goodmorning! I didn't know you changed your name to "Liam<3" yesterday!! You ninja! haha, and what? now? I look horrible though.

From: Liam<3

To: My babez[;

Haha, you got that right! I'm your ninja<3 and you always look pretty! And open the door! I'm here :)

I love how he's such a fast texter and i need to at least put my tangled hair in a bun.. I opened the door and surprised that he brought me breakfast! It had soup,juice,a piece of bread,a rose and a love note. I read the note and it said:

To: My babez[;

I hope you like this breakfast in bed i made for you! Love ya! -Liam<3

"Liam! You didn't have to you know. But thanks anyway! And good timing because I'm starving!" I kissed him and it felt..right. I just love him soo much.

"Awhh! I just thought that you would like breakfast in bed and i missed you so much already!" He pouted then sat next to me in the bed.

"Who's here?" Mica quickly glanced to us and started saying: "OHHH! It's the new couple here you guys! We better leave them before they start doing..WHO KNOWS WHAT THEIR GONNA DO?!"

All the girls left except Jhsreal who's still snoring really loud.. Liam and I chuckled and started eating. When we heard Mica and Rachel drag Jhsreal across the room to the doorway. And yet, She is still asleep! Bravo! Then Mica screamed: "We're going for a drive kay?" I nodded and told them to drive safely.Then, I turned on the TV and heard the news reporter say: "Liam and Miss Carlos..A couple? Tune in for more information." I gave Liam a glance but he never even cared so i flipped the channel but all i can here is Angel and Liam a couple! Blah, Blah, Blah. I started to cuddle with Liam when he finally spoke.

"Are you alright with everything?"

"Yeah, i'm just nervous that if reporters and photographers kill me!" I said sarcastically,

"Don't worry love. I'll always be around you." he trailed off winking at me. I slightly blushed and turned to the food avoiding him to see me blush.

"Awh, c'mon love! Show your gorgeousness to me!" I gave him a kiss but this time it was longer. I heard the door open and it was Niall.. he busted in with only boxers on. Zayn,Harry, and Louis came barging in.

"Can you guys at least wear clothes on." I said giving them a smile.

"We don't have time for that! The girls got into an accident!" Niall said rushing into the room trying to call 911.

"WHAT?!" I screamed and jumped of the bed getting my car keys until Liam held my wrist and grabbing the car keys from my hand.

"I'm driving." For no more arguing and stuff i followed him to my BMW and got into the passenger seat. The boys will follow us as soon as their dressed properly. 

*An hour later.*


This cannot be happening to me. I was planning on asking Rachel out today. I guess it wasn't the right time. I quickly grabbed random sweats and a black V-neck shirt. got my car keys and headed to the door i saw Louis and Zayn waiting for me. We drove to the nearest hospital we could find. We headed to the counter and asked about the recent accident that happened an hour ago. They lead us to room 214 and I saw Rachel with a broken leg, Mica had something to do with her neck, and Jhsreal has a mild concussion. I ran to Rachel and I saw her face had a couple bruises but it wasn't that bad. They weren't injured as bad as the injuries i see in the movies. 

"Rachel? Are you there?" i said softly and grabbed her hand and kissed it slightly not wanting to hurt her. I was waiting for an answer but as usual there wasn't an answer. Then i heard all the girls say: "APRIL FOOLS!" Then i looked over to Rachel who was fine and started wiping off all the bruises which means it was a prank. As soon as i looked away I saw Angel and Liam walk in the room with confused expressions. I then rolled on the floor laughing and believing that the boys and I fell for that! In a few seconds the boys started doing the same thing as i was doing. I then helped Rachel remove all the fake tubes that was on her arms and carried her to the car. The boys did the same thing with their girls. I was kind of mad at what they did but also still laughing. I didn't know that the girl i'm in love knows how to prank One Direction! 

"I got ya good there Irish boy!" I heard her say as she sat next to me in the van.

"You did, but you also scared me."

"Scared you? Why?"

"Because i just can't imagined how life would be without you." I said softly.

"Oh my gosh. I didn't know you liked me Niall.." She trailed off hugging me tightly. "Because I'd thought that you might not feel the same about me." She said winking at me. I never thought I'd say this but April Fools Day is the best day of my life.

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