Chapter 4: Time to meet One Direction!

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L.A. is the last place i ever wanted to go. Whenever i go there it always reminded me of Angel.. Right before i left to go to X-Factor, i stopped by her house to say goodbye. Unfortunately, Ms.Carlos told me that she had left to start a new life in L.A. I was disappointed to know that she had left me with out saying goodbye.. And now were going to L.A.

"Why don't you want to go to L.A?" Harry asked with a confused expression on his face.

"It's nothing."

"Oh c'mon mate! Were your best friends! You could trust us!"

I guess Harry got a point there but i just don't like talking about it..

"It's just my old best friend, Angel..No big deal.."

"NO BIG DEAL?! You never told us about this Angel chic!" Niall shouting across the room.

All three of them nodded and waited for me to tell them the story.

"Angel and I were best friends, we never had a time where we didn't hangout. It stopped when i started dating Elizabeth Thompson. Since then she stopped answering my calls and never replied to any of my texts. When i couldn't handle it anymore i came to her house knocking as hard as i can. Letting her know that i was pissed. She later then opened the door and right when she saw me she slammed the door very rudely in front of my face. Luckily, i had my guitar with me and i sang her favorite song, When We Say by Aj Rafael. I saw her peek through her bedroom window but when i saw her, she was crying. I was really confused. A few minutes later she opened the door and i asked her if she would tell me what was wrong, she was about to say it until a note was found on top of her living room coffee table. She walked over and held it on her hand. The last thing i knew she asked me for a ride to Starbucks for her and her mom to have a Little talk. A few minutes later we arrived at Starbucks and i knew they needed privacy. So, i went inside my car listening to music. About 30 or so minutes i looked over to the window and i saw Angel crying. It was a different kind of crying. It was of a hurt feeling kind of crying. I went inside and Ms.Carlos stormed out of the room, leaving me and Angel alone i tried to ask her but she just walked out the door and walked to the sidewalk like nothing ever happened.. A few days had past and i went to her house to say goodbye before i leave to go to X-Factor. When i knocked, i saw Angel's mom open the door and she said that Angel went to L.A. to start a new life and i was mad at her ever since."

"I'm so sorry mate." Harry said, looking down and felt guilty by bringing it up.

"It's alright you would've known either way."


The owner of the show appeared with smoke coming out of his nostrils."Why didn't you read the file and the script of next band that were interviewing in 3 days?!"

SHOOT! I forgot that were having another interview of a band. I didn't even know who they are yet!

"I'm sorry! I just got caught up with all the paper work and stuff."

"Fine. You have 2 days to study and read this and the third day is our rehearsal. Got it?"

"Got it!"

Sometimes i hated my job. I was always in charge of everything. Lights, Scripts, etc. But i loved my job because my other 2 friends Rachel and Jhsreal work here's as well and i got promoted being manager and yes, i do get paid a lot but you really need to stay up late and work really hard. Good thing that i'm the kind of person that don't mind sleeping late since i'm home schooled.

"Have you read the files yet?" Jhsreal asked in an exciting tone.

"No, why?"

"OHMYGOSH. You will never know who the band is."

I rushed to get the file and looked for a band name. It took me a while to know who it was and i already knew Jhsreal was getting really annoyed.

"Do you give up yet??"

"Fine. Who are we interviewing?"

"One Direction!"

"Who the heck is that?"

"Are you freakking serious Angel."


"Ugh. I guess you'll find out in 3 days..Do you want to go to the cafeteria?"

"Jhsreal! We just ate lunch an hour ago! Your already hungry?!"

"YES. Don't judge me."

I didn't want to go but i felt Jhsreal dragged me to the cafeteria which was in the lobby. Luckily, we were only 3 floors apart.

*3 days later*

"TODAY IS THE DAY!" As i heard Jhsreal skipping down the hall with Rachel.

"Oh, yeah huh? Were meeting that band.." I already forgot their name. Great.


"Oh, cool."

"Get ready guys! They'll be here in 30 minutes!" As my boss yelled across the room.

This day would be interesting.

I Hate How I Love You (One Direction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat