Chapter 19: I Thought You Loved Me?

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I woke up inside a fancy mansion. I don't remember anything from what happened yesterday. I tried to remember..


"Let me go!" I yelled at Eric who's currently grabbing my hand.

"No! I know you still love me. Don't deny it." He said while pulling out a rope and tying me onto a wooden chair.

"I don't love you! I have a boyfr-" I couldn't finish my sentence when Eric ducktaped my mouth shut.

"Don't worry about your wittle boyriend! I'll take care of him.." He smiled at me evily.

I tried to tell him something but it just seems like he won't care. I looked around and it was a big mansion. I didn't know where we were but it sure wasn't Eric's house. His house is much smaller than this and I know because I've been to his house.

I checked my back pocket and felt my phone. I tried to press number one because Liam's on speed dial. I pressed something but I didn't know who or what it was.


I shook my head and tried to move while Eric was gone. I don't know where but I just need to get out of here. I shouted and shouted. But nothing worked. I gave up and saw a girl walking towards me. She looked familiar but didn't know who she was because she had her shades on. She looked rich because of what she was wearing. She was wearing a black and white dress and a white bag along to her left arm. She has curly hair and she was pretty tall. Just the same height of Liam.

She gave me some kind of sand which that was rotten and brown and stuff. It was disgusting! Who is this bitch who's giving me food that somehow can't be eaten! She eyed me up and down. Like she was the boss of me. I gave her glares that aren't really nice. 

About 10 minutes later, Eric came back with In N Out burgers. He gave me one and handed one to the other girl. I just stared at the burger because my hands were tied! How could I even eat?! Before I knew it, the bitchy girl took my burger and threw it away. What the fuck was she doing?! I haven't eaten for a long time. 

"Why did you throw that away??" Eric screamed at her.

"Because. She doesn't deserve to eat such a thing."

"Well, you could've given it to me!"

I tried to scream but asual they won't hear me. Just then I saw an unexpected person came in. I eyed him up and down. He was wearing black shades ,a red jacket, blue jeans,and black shoes. Who was this random person?

I just don't understand what's happening right now.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?! YOU KNOW SHE CAN SEE YOU!" The girl shouted at him.

"Well, I'm sorry." He walked up to her and gave her a kiss. I couldn't tell who he was from this angle but I have a suspicion on who he is.

He took off his shades and looked into my eyes. I can't believe it. Why was he here? What is he doing here? Why him? Not some other person?

"Why did you guys ductape her?" I heard the guy ask.

"So that she can't scream when she sees you or me."

"She won't even care."

I won't even care?! For god sakes. He's LIAM! Did he love me? Or just played with my feelings? Why was he doing this to me?! I loved him for real but now I guess he didn't. Like every other guy, he was just some player that don't care about a girls heart. Well you know what? Fuck him.

Authors Note;

Hi guyz! Sorry if this is one short chapter again..I'm going to write the next chapter much longer :) Hope you guyz like this chapter! Peace(: xx

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