Chapter 16: A new couple has arrived..

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Authors note;

I just wanted to say that this chapter is basically dedicated for my friend geramica and jhsrealmaria ! Enjoy :D


Yesterday was a great day. Liam surprised me and i actually had fun..Today i woke up and i saw him beside me, my head my on top of his chest. I slowly removed his hands from my waist and stood up to go downstairs. I cooked pancakes and when i was done i felt someone put their arms around my waist. I assumed it was Liam. Haha, i gave him a quick kiss and went back to cooking breakfast. I placed it the table and got some orange juice. 

After eating i saw my phone light up. So, i grabbed it and it was Zayn;

Hey Angel! Listen, can you help me with something? -Zayn xx

I showed the text to Liam and he nodded.

Yeah! Sure! What is it? -Angel(:

I wanted to surprise Mica with a special dinner and i'll tell you the other thing later. If we meet up at Starbucks? -Zayn xx

Sure! But can Liam come along with me? -Angel(:

Sure thing, love. -Zayn xx

I told Liam that we we're meeting up with Zayn at Starbucks so we got ready and walked to Starbucks. While walking i saw paparazzi's so i quickly covered myself behind Liam not wanting to be seen. 

"Why are you hiding behind my arm?" He chuckled.

"Because there's a paparazzi right around corner. I look horrid right now." I whispered.

"I've told you this a bunch of times but listen to me," He trailed of lifting my jaw to face him. "No matter what your wearing or if you just got up from a nap, you'll always look beautiful in my eyes." 

I feel like i was going to melt when he had said that to me. I gave him a slowly kiss. We finally arrived and we spotted Zayn with a hat and shades on. Obviously, he didn't want pictures either. 

He told me that he needed help for the dinner and his suprise, which is not be named. I agreed to help him arrange it tomorrow morning. So did Liam. 


I'm so excited for tomorrow! Good thing I have a good friend like Angel..She's going to help me arrange everything. I stopped thinking about tomorrow because Mica just came in.

"Hey babe!" She quickly sat next to me and gave me a kiss in the cheek. I love how she's so cheerful..

"Hey! So what're you planning to do today my love?"

"I was planning on going to the park later..Wanna go with me?"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything." I winked at her. "Do you want to watch a movie for right now?"

"Yeah! What movie?"

"What about Paranormal activity 3?" I wanted to watch that movie so that if she's scared she'll cuddle next to me. Cheesy, eh?

"But but. I'm scared to watch those kind of movies.." She folded her arms at me.

"Don't worry i'm right here beside you." I pulled her closer before starting the movie. She's so cute when she's scared..When i pressed play, Harry came barging into the living room seeing me and Mica on the sofa. He already knew what the surprise was about tomorrow. Actually, all the boys did. 


Should I ask Jhsreal already? I mean we've been hanging out for awhile now.. And I think I'm in love with her. The thing is i don't know if she feels the same way about me. I would ask Mica right now but i don't want to interrupt her moment with Zayn. I chuckled a little when i saw that their watching Paranormal Activity 3. I headed towards my room to have time to think about it. 

A few minutes later I saw my phone vibrating at the side of my bed. I grabbed it and saw a text from Jhsreal.

Hey! I have something to talk about with you..Can you meet me at the mall in 10 minutes?" -Jhs<3

I got curious since this is the first time she'd texted me like this. We usually talk about random things..So i replied.

Sure thing, love! Meet ya there! -Hazza xx

And she replied very quickly.

Kay, see ya! Love ya. -Jhs<3

Did she just say she loves me?! Wait. Don't expect anything Harry. It's probably just a friendly love kind of thing.


I headed down towards the mall and waited near by th entrance. Due to my impatience i sat down in the bench kind of in the middle of the mall. I used my phone as a mirror to see if I look alright. Then i got a text. From Harry.

Don't need to fix your hair love! You look beautiful. -Hazza xx

I stood up and searched for Harry but I don't get a glimpse of him. I walked towards the fountain in the middle causing me to bump into someone. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. It was an accident. I was just walking and looking fo rmy friend and-" I stopped talking when I saw Harry's face above me. He was smiling and giggling at me.

"I see that you've found me." Letting me show his smile with dimples. Ahh, so cute.

I slapped him playfully in the shoulder, "You came."

"Why wouldn't I?"

I knew this is the time. I need to tell him or else I wouldn't be able to.

"Listen, Harry I really like you. And I'm only telling you this now because I didn't have the guts to tell you and I was scared that you might not like me back and-" Harry leaned closer to me and kissed me. First, i was shocked but then i liked it. I pulled away looking at his emerald green eyes. He was smiling but this time it was different. He was smiling like he meant it.

"I'm sorry Jhsreal but I don't like you." I looked down to the floor.. Embarrassed. But then he wasn't finished. "I love you."

I looked back up and hugged him tightly and i almost cried since the boy that I like eer, I meant LOVE , loves me back. This day has been an amazing one.


She likes me back!! I can't believe it! I thought I was going to wait until tomorrow but I guess it happened sooner than I thought. 

"Hey Jhsreal?" I asked her while she was hugging me.


"Would you want to go on a date with me?" She looked up at me blushing. She's so cute! No doubt about that!

"I would love too." We're now walking to my car and going to Nandos for our first date. She didn't mind because she loves Nandos. And I love her.

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