Chapter 14: I want my memory back..

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I got all of our pictures and got them developed. I got my iPhone and saw that the boys had recorded me asking Angel to be my girlfriend. It was so..romantic. I got the present i got her for her birthday. I looked around once more to check if i for got something. i headed towards my car and saw Eric leaning to it.

"Get out of my way." I told him as i got closer.

"Your not the boss of me!"

"I may not be but since i'm more mature than you are, I AM your boss."

"Ahh, Liam Liam Liam. Angel doesn't remember you AT ALL. So just forget her and stay away from her."

"Wow. Cocky much? I'm still her boyfriend. We haven't broken up yet."

"Ohh, good idea. I'm going to tell her to break up with you." He said giving me a grin. He headed to his car and i grabbed his arm and told him;

"Stay away from her. If you don't you wouldn't like what i'll do to you." 

I headed towards my car opened it and put all my stuff in there. I hope this day will be better once i see Angel again. I turned on the radio and heard.. When We Say by Aj Rafael. I remembered that, that was the first song i ever sang to Angel. Good thing i brought my guitar because i'm planning on singing to her again. I was getting close to the hospital so i looked at my side mirror and saw if i looked okay. I parked my car and went inside Angel's room. She was awake watching TV.

"What'cha got there?" She asked me.

"Just some stuff to help you remember.."

"Ohhh! lemme see!" She said excitedly.

"Okay hold on let me get out all the pictures i got developed."

I got the pictures that we took together and laid them down on her bed. It almost filled it out because there was a lot. She looked at all of them examining them one by one. I looked at her..She was smiling. This what i need to see everyday.


Wow, i surely look like i had fun with Liam. I just wish i can remember everything about us. I hate seeing people hurt like this. When their hurt, i'm hurt. I saw one of the pictures that we were at the park and we were looking up at the fireworks.

"When was this?" I asked him.

"Oh, that was when you had your surprise birthday party. Speaking of your surprise birthday party the boys caught that on tape."

I watched the video in his iPhone and i saw myself tearing up. I saw how much he wanted for me to remember all this but no matter how i force myself to remember i just can't. I looked at how i was in that video. He asked me to be his girlfriend. It was romantic and cute. I looked at and his eyes were glued to the screen happy to watch it again. When the video was done he gave me a copy of the CD for me to watch it whenever i want to. I looked at the pictures again and i saw writing on the back of it.

"What's these?" I pointed to the writings.

"Oh that's just notes on what happened on that specific day.." He smiled at me.

"This was the day i asked her to be my girlfriend. This was the day I Took her out for dinner. This was the day we first did it. etc." I murmured. This is soo much memories. I can't believe i forgot all of this. I cried quietly.

"Are you okay? Anything wrong? Do I need to do something for you?" Liam mumbled.

"Nothings wrong," I trailed off. "Every things too perfect."

"Then why is this beautiful girl crying?" He pouted.

"Everyone's so nice to me! Mostly, you. And i don't even remember one thing about us."

He leaned towards me and kissed me softly. I did get shocked but it felt right. I felt like butterflies was in my stomach. Am I falling in love with Liam once again?

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