Chapter 23: What was she hiding from me?

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We arrived at LAX. We went through the metal machines and checked our pockets for anything that has metal in it. 

"Trip to Paris is departing in 5 minutes!"

"What the- RUN RUN RUN!" Niall cheered. I followed behind him waiting for Angel to catch up.

We got our tickets and ran to our seats. Unfortunately, I wasn't sitting by Angel. Instead I was sitting next to Niall. Louis was between Harry and Zayn.While all the other girls sat next to each other in the ack row. Angel was at the edge next to a guy. I was hoping that she'll complain but she didn't. I guess she's still knackered. I sat down and listened to music in my iPhone. I hoped that I would fall asleep but I didn't It bothered me that Angel wasn't next to me. I was so used to her right there beside me. I found myself watching them every five minutes and saw that the guy kept bugging her. I could see it on her face. 

Hey, are you okay with that guy sitting next to you? I could ask him to switch with me(: -Liam<3

I saw her face light up when she read the text. She turned around and looked at me. She looks so cute when she smiles.

What about Nialler? -Angel(;

He's a big boy(; -Liam<3

With that she looked at me and nodded. I walked over to where she sat and asked the boy If he could switch seats with me. Kindly, he said yes. Angel patted the seat next to her. 

"Thank you." I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Anything for my girl." I kissed her nose. And now our lips are locked into another passionate kiss. We pulled away and she kissed me on the cheek and said, "Your the best boyfriend a girl could ever have. I love you with all my heart. Don't forget that."

We cuddled up close to each other and drifted off to sleep. 


When I woke up I saw a guy's head on my shoulder.. Liam's soo cute when he sleeps. With that I kissed him on the forehead. Liam looked up to face me. Wait, am I dreaming or did I just kiss a random stranger on the cheek? 


I saw Zayn and Louis chuckling at me. Bastards, how did this guy sit next to me? Where was Liam? I looked around and saw Liam and Angel sitting next to each other sleeping. Ugghh, I would get mad at them but instead I took a picture of them both.

@NiallOfficial: Look at this cute couple(; @Real_Liam_Payne and @Smilee_Angel.

I laughed at the thought. I wish me and Rachel were a couple like that. But even I don't know what's our 'relationship'.. Are we a couple? Or just friends? Best friends I assume. But we admitted that we fancy each other that other day.. I shook the thought away and just slept. 


"Everyone, please unfastened your seat belt. We will be arriving soon."

I woke up to the sound of the captain speaking. 

"Have a good sleep?" I turned my head to see my boyfriend smiling at me. 

"Mhmm..." I mumbled. "When did you wake up?"

"Just 10 minutes ago.."

"But why do you still look so perfect?" I mean seriously!? These boys have been on the plane for what the whole day and yet they still manage to keep their hair perfectly and just everything..

"Because you completed my perfection." Those cheesy lines always make me blush..

"Your so cheesy! But I love you like that. I'll just go to the restroom and fix myself."

"But you already look perfect with me by your side.."

"Oh, stop it!" I playfully slapped his arm.

I headed towards the bathroom and looked in to mirror.. I looked like a.. witch! My hair directed to every direction, my make- up is all smudge and gaah, I just look horrible. 

After 10 minutes or so, the stewardess told me to sit down. I obeyed and sat down next to Liam. 

"We're almost here!" I heard Niall's voice in the background. That boy almost bought a whole tray of peanuts every five minutes and still maintain his body. I swear, that boy's going to have diabetes when he grows up.

"Shut up, Niall!" Louis voice echoed. 

"Boys, please keep your voices down. You might distract the other passengers." The stewardess whispered to both of them.

"Yeah, guys! Listen to the beautiful lady right here!" Harry said defending the stewardess. The usual Harry..

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Niall's aunt reserved us eight rooms. The boys whined except for Zayn since him and Mica are going to have one room by themselves.. Who knows what could happen in there! Anyways, all of us have separate rooms. Except the engaged couple. 

Mica walked towards me and asked, "Angel, have you been excercising? Becuase it seems like you've lost some weight these past few days.." 

"Oh, uhm. No, it's probably because I have fast metabolism.. That's all." Man, I hate lying to people! I thought that it wasn't the right time to tell them yet.

I pulled out my phone for my mom's calling me. 


I was searching for Angel to ask her if she wants to join us for swimming. Right then, I spotted her. She was sitting in a bench outside our hotel. She was crying while talking to someone over the phone.

"I know, I will. Just after this vacation. And no- I haven't told him yet. I know, I have to but I just want to enjoy these past few days with him before I go- Yes, I promise. I'll have to hang up now. They'll expect where I am by this time."

I ran back inside the lobby not wanting her to know that I've been listening. What were they talking about? Am I supposed to be worried? No, maybe I'm just overreacting..

"Angel! Where were you? I've been looking for you everywhere!" I pretend to be worried.

"Oh, uhm. I just got lost i guess." She's so obvious when she's lying.

"Oh, you should've called me! But the boys were wondering if you wanted to swim.."

"Oh, I'll just rest for now.. I'm still tired from the flight."

"Oh, I'll accompany you. I'll just tell them to go off and have fun." She nodded and headed to her room. I called the lads and told them were weren't coming anymore. Behind all that, I was wondering what she was talking about earlier.. Was it something I should know about?

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 Authors note;

What do you guys think she's hiding!? Comment, fan, or vote! :)

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