Chapter 28: The question is, Did you mean it?

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"Shhh, don't be too loud! You might wake her up." Sounds like.. Eric.

"Awweee. She looks so cute." Irish voice? Nialler.

"HEY GUYS! I FOUND CARROTS!" Carrots? Definitely Louis.

"SHHHHH!" All of them.

I slowly opened my eyes. All eight eyes were staring at me. Wait, eight? Who's missing? I saw Eric, Nialler, Louis, Harry, and Zayn.. Liam. Where could he be? Oh well, i don't need to be worrying right now.

"Oh, uhm.. hi guys. How long was I sleeping?" I looked at Eric, awaiting for an answer, "Hmm, not for long."

"Since, princess has a woken, let's go! We've landed!" 

"Why thank you, my Irish prince." I winked at Niall. He looked down, blushing. What a cutie.

I sat up, felt my back aching. It wasn't a suprise since the chairs weren't that comfortable. But im sure that when we get a hotel it'll be comfortable and relaxing. Ouch. My stomach wants food. I hope no nobody heard that..

Eric stared at me like a crazy mofo, "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, i'm fine. Just starving a little.."

"Don't worry mate! Right after we've unpacked our things in our house we're off to go!"

"Wait, house house?" Eric seemed a little unsatisfied.

"Don't you guys want to stay with us? We have this one vacation house where we don't go that often,  we only go there when theres a guest.. I mean, it's just a suggestion.."

"No, its fine we already-" Eric squeezed my hand and said, "We'd love to." 

Well, that was a little unexpected.. Why would he say that? I mean considering that Liam was my ex.. Oh well, i'll just play along.

*Minutes passed and they have arrived at the house*

It was a nice house, a little nicer than I had expected. It everything you needed; A 50 inch flat screen TV, Balck luxurious couch, A big kitchen where you could do all those things you see on the cooking shows, A really nice garden out in the front and back, and so much more. Oh, did I mention that it's a beach house? Well, it is. 

Niall noticed me admiring the place, "Do you like it so far?" 

"Actually, I have to admit.. It's a nice place."

"I'm glad you like it." he paused and smiled at me, "Well, do you guys want to see where your room is?" 


Eric and I followed him from the back, there was a lot of rooms. Like literally, the hall was full of doors. And finally we reached ours.

"Here is your room! It has a very nice view to look at, your own bathroom, walk in closet, and the towels are in that cabinet. If you guys need anything just ask me."

"Thanks man!" Eric shouted once Niall left us alone.

Once I finished unpacking my things I told Eric that I would take a short walk at the beach, he didn't care since he had jetlag and was ready to take a nap. I decided to slip on some grey sweat pants and a pink hollister tank top. I got my black flip flops and headed towards the beach. 

While walking along the edges, getting touched briefly by the water, I saw a guy walking the opposite direction. After a couple minutes I settled on a spot where I could sit and relax. From the corner of my left eye, I saw the guy just a few feet away. Walking slowly, looking directly at his bare feet. Not caring, I took out my sunglasses and saw that the guy was now sitting beside her just a few feet between them. Curious to know who it was, I turned to my left and found Liam. Sitting beside me. 

It was a moment of silence when he finally spoke, "I'm sorry." was all he said.

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